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Packing for Portland in May

I’m on my way to Portland, Oregon for a press event and thought I’d compile a post of what I’m bringing for the three day trip.

While I don’t over pack, I’m also not the lightest packer. For instance, I’m totally bringing four pairs of shoes for this three day trip. I mean, there’s room in the carry-on and I have outfits for each one — so whynat? The part of my suitcase where I try and keep it minimal is my makeup and toiletries bag. I just hate packing it all back up to go home. I guess this isn’t ideal for those that travel regularly, but since I don’t travel all that often and I’m in need of a new toothbrush when I get back, is that I’m going to chuck my travel-sized toothpaste and full-sized toothbrush in the garb after the trip and before I head back home.


I think it goes without saying, check the weather forecast before you start piling clothes into your suitcase. Then, I do laundry for whatever clothes I need to bring, and start packing days before the trip because I’m super organized like that.


Everything. I mean everything goes in a bag. From chargers and cables to my clothing. It all goes in packing cubes or these plastic cosmetic bags I purchased from eBay. The outfits are a bit of a struggle for me as I try and be strategic about the clothing I bring, being versatile. I want to bring enough to see me through all scenarios but I also don’t want to lug around a heavy carry-on full of anything and everything I want to wear. I have no qualms about piecing outfits together and settling on that, days before I wear them.


The last thing you want to happen when you open up your suitcase upon arrival, is seeing all your liquids over your clothes. Luckily I learned at a young age thanks to my tetris-queen-packin’-Mom, is to seal up any and all caps with saran wrap. Everything adds up in weight, and since I tend to use travel-sized items on the regular anyway, packing other items like sunscreen into smaller containers makes sense.


My carry-on suitcase is from Delsey and I’ve been using for the past 2 years. We have two (husband has the brown version) and I have to say it’s a really prime piece of luggage. I get stopped more often than not, asking who makes it. My personal item on this trip is my backpack doubling as my purse which I don’t usually bring, but I need to bring a few extra things this trip, and I need them close by instead of tucked away in an overhead bin.

I bring as limited identification and cards as I can. The essentials I’m bringing is my passport, drivers license, a credit card and some cash. My fancy wallet stays safe at home, and I use a small card case so it takes up little room.


I select an airplane uniform for myself, to help conserve valuable carry-on space, therefore I wear the same outfits on both flights. For instance I’m wearing most of my heaviest items and packing the lightest (for more room). Layering your clothing is always a good way to go. Here’s an example of what I’d wear on an airplane:

Thread & Supply rain coat (it is Portland, after-all)
Parka Sweater
Kara Jean (indigo)
H&M slip on sneakers
Suede backpack

I always make sure I bring a pair of socks with me because 99% of the time I don’t wear them; and I know darn tootin’ well I’m going to have to remove my shoes when I go through security and I do not want my bare feet touching the grimy floors. Call me Canadian, yes, but I’m always freezing here in California regardless of where I’m from. I even wore these jeans when it was 28°C outside, and I didn’t get overheated like I would in a regular jean. Perhaps because I went up a size and wanted them to be a little looser fitting.

What are some of your must-have’s while traveling? 

Get 15% off your prAna order until June 16. Enter S17TRAVELSK at checkout.

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Future in Triathlons?

Ironman Lake Tahoe 2015I can’t say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. Back in the day I had a one-speed hand-me-down bright red road bike from my favourite cousin that I rode for a few years when kids teenagers weren’t shammed for riding their bikes on the sidewalk. Now I’m terrified of riding on the road and getting hit by a car. Legitimate concerns you guys. My husband cycles 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day. I constantly worry about rush-hour traffic knocking him down after a few close calls.

I swam a ton, until one day I failed my Bronze Medallion test for silly reasons so I quit in spite of that one coach. Lame on my part, I know. Another concern: race day – getting kicked in the head during a swim start. That can’t feel good.

I’ve always ran. Not to say I’ve always enjoyed running, but it’s something that literally doesn’t cost me a penny or need some fancy gear or bike fixing knowledge.

Ironman Lake TahoeAfter my husband completed his 6th Ironman triathlon last weekend he suggested I try triathlons too. Add to the fact he said “I think you would be fast.” Considering I’m a naturally self-competitive person, I’m kind of flattered he thinks I would be fast.

But man, I’m not sure I am ready for it! Training for three sports all at once, for one race? You guys, I hate racing! It gives me the heebie jeebies in the belly, and I perform terribly during a (running) race. Who knows, maybe tri’s would be different. But I need to start doing something regularly again (besides running) because I’m getting pretty self-concious about my appearance to be truthful.

prAna pants Lululemon topI always seem to jump into the deep-end with sports or trying new things. Not only that, let’s talk about the perfect temp’s year around here in California. Awesome for training! I guess only time will tell.

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Flatrock Fest, Newfoundland

HeaderDuring my visit home in Newfoundland, I’m bound to meet up with my friends who, conveniently enough, are all rock climbers like myself.

Lori, my climbing buddy (we were each other’s first climbing partners—19 years and going!) mentioned to me that she was heading down to Flatrock, a small town, minutes outside of St. John’s where she was going to be volunteering for the day and invited me. You know I had to go to that.

Flatrock Fest successfully finished up its third consecutive year of inviting regular climbers, folks who’ve never stepped foot on a climbing wall or rockface, and the others who have been itching to try outdoor climbing. For fifteen bucks you show up, get the gear supplied to you, sit in on sessions, and climb til your hearts content for a full day of climbing and rappelling, down at Flatrock.

Wallnuts Climbing Centre, amongst many more sponsors helped out in executing the event held by the Alpine Club of Canada. There were goodie bags handed out to the first 50 climbers who signed up. Inside the bags were a variety of prAna tee’s, chalk bags, Rock & Ice magazine, and a rock climbing DVD. I was not one of the lucky contenders to sign up in advance, plus I was volunteering so I didn’t think it was fair for me to grab one from a lucky attendee. I sure wanted one though! I did end up getting a sweet door prize (Evolve boulder brush) and a Black Diamond cam keychain.


It has rained continuously throughout my trip back home in Newfoundland, but we lucked out weather wise and had a fantastic day down on the rock with over 150 people in attendance. The guys from Wallnuts worked hard putting the event together, with more than 20 top ropes for people to get on and climb.

Leo (the owner of Wallnuts, who is like an older brother to me. My brother and him go “way back”) ended up staying overnight in a tent down at Flatrock the night before the fest, working hard putting everything together for a successful day. I was told he knew the tide wouldn’t be coming in throughout night, so he was safe and sound. Still wouldn’t be me down there, scary stuff!Tent-in-Flatrock

Lori set up the rappelling station — which I had a go at multiple times. It scared the crap out of me, since I don’t regularly climb outdoors, if anything I boulder.  But after a few tries I easily got over the fear of leaning bum back over a cliff and use an ATC to rappel down. That’s me getting ready to go! About-to-rappel

There was a special guest this year, Black Diamond sponsored climber J.P Ouellet was there giving a few talks throughout the day on trad climbing. I sat in on one of his two sessions (can you spot me?), and asked a handful of questions. Flatrock2014-BlackDiamond_GSL-6055(photo from ACCNL)

I felt a bit silly at first when he asked everyone in the group how long they’ve been climbing. Some answered 5 days, a few months and up to a few years. He pointed at me and I squirmed, answering “ninteen years” — and here I am sitting in on a beginners session on how to use cams, nuts, and bolts. J.P was pretty great, funny and informative with his talk at Flatrock, so I’m glad I sat down to enjoy it.

I’ll leave you with a few more photos that I took throughout the day at Flatrock Fest:

Leo-and-JoostLeo’s a Dad!

Flatrock-FestI’m the queen of inappropriate footwear, so I had to borrow Lori’s 5.10 accents for the day trip.
















I’m glad I was home at the perfect time for the Flatrock Fest, and hopefully I’ll be back next summer for the fourth year.

Sponsors of Flatrock Fest 2014: Wallnuts Climbing Centre, The Outfitters, Black Diamond, Metolius, Rock – Ice, Flashed.

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