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Thinking Out Loud Thursday #3

1. I want to get my hair done by Silvia at Bibbo Salon, in San Francisco. I first discovered her on YouTube, with her fantastic hair tips and tutorials. Maybe soon I’ll get the guts to drive there and get it done. I really dislike going to new-to-me stylists. I’m so afraid they’ll wreck my hair.

Balance Bar2. I’ve been eating Balance Bars as snacks lately. Recycling this picture from March because I don’t have any left. Ate them all! When we first moved to California, I was going through them like nobodies business. But I mean, that’s not healthy. Right? They’re onl $0.99 at the grocery store, couldn’t help myself. Now, it’s all in moderation (again). Sooo good. I only buy the S’mores flavour. These are close to impossible to find in Canada, so this was on my to-buy-list when we first moved here, ha!

3. Finally got my wedding rings back from being sized smaller yet again (they messed it up the first time), and for its 6 month inspection/and polishing etc. One of them is SO TIGHT that I may have a bruise on my knuckle from taking it off for swimming/climbing. I wasn’t seriously considering wearing my wedding bands, but I had thought of it. That was, until Ellen told me it would be a terrible idea, due to the fact that worst case scenario, you could de-glove your finger. Please do not google image that. It’s gory and may leave you light-headed.

4. La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri Pfr: I’ve been listening to that YouTube video all week. Such good tunes now that it’s summer :)

Shauna Nancy5. My husband’s younger sister is here for a little while. She’s a speedy runner, so I’m going to ask her for some tips while she’s here. She ran a marathon in 3:20! She was also my husband’s “best man” at our wedding. The other sister will be getting here soon! I’m excited to spend some sister-in-law time with them both. I’ve been trying to take the younger one out to a few places, but I think we’ll have to do repeats because my favourite places, I want the older one to see too! Blogging will be sporadic until at least the first week of July. I don’t want to be on my computer too much while they’re here.

Boulder V4 green6. I finished the V4 green boulder problem on Tuesday! Some guy and I were working on it at the same time. I cheered for him as soon as he topped out, and then he told me to crush it, and was coaxing me along while I was on the wall. I ended up doing what he did, a butt-hook with my left butt cheek on the face, and then reaching over (feeling like you were almost laying down, that’s how laid back the route is!) and getting the top hold, manoeuvring your left foot where your butt was, and putting two feet on top of that hold, and going for the top. It was incredible! I was so happy. I think I shouted.

7. I walked into Athleta (kinda reminds me of Lululemon) the other day after climbing, and the girl who always helps me with the clothing was there again. She has a cool name, but I haven’t a clue how to spell it so I won’t butcher it. She saw me dressed in my black tank + black leggings with chalk all over it, and asked if I just got back from climbing! It was a mini-bonding experience, because she goes to another climbing gym in San Jose. Who knew there were SO FREAKING MANY!? I need to scope the one she was talking about, out.

That’s all I’ve got for today! Off I go :)

Tell me something random, I’ll read it before bed tonight. And don’t forget to enter the green tea matcha powder giveaway.

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Thinking Out Loud Thursday #2

Athleta Shorts1. I bought these coral corduroy shorts from Athleta a few days ago. Side note, whoa they’re the same company as Gap!? Their sizing is a little messed up though. I’m not a consistent size in shorts as I am in their bottoms and tops. Strange. I love them, and I’ve already worn them to brunch with my husband and his old co-worker who is moving down from Canada! Yay for new friends!

TwinSoulArt Etsy(image source)
2. Bought a rubber stamp from a local-to-me seller off Etsy, she’s no more than 30 kilometres from me I’d say! These are going to be perfect to stamp on the back of our wedding thank you cards from our wedding. We haven’t sent them out yet, and I assume that is poor etiquette on our part. But I had originally ordered some cards from a site, who essentially made them look horrible. So I took matters into my own graphic design hands, as I should’ve done from the start. Going to head to Target to print them. I’ll let you in on how they look, once they’re all written and sent off :)

Retainer and Philosophy stuff3. I kinda like pink lately. Even bought a new pink retainer case from eBay. I know this is going to sound weird, and maybe gross. But I needed a new retainer case, as mine split open after opening it twice a day. So I went on a hunt for some inexpensive cases on eBay and came up lucky. Apparently came in a pack of SIX. Set for life. I love light pink. Side note: Think I like Philosophy products much? This photo wasn’t staged in the least, I promise. Who likes Philosophy, raise your hand! As stated consistently throughout my blog, I’m not being sponsored by them. I simply enjoy their products. However, they did send me this great scent.

Speck-Case-for-Tablet4. Speck sent my husband a case for his Google Nexus Tablet. I picked out the colour :) It’s pretty nice hey?

Tone It Up Gym bag5. My tone it up gym bag came! I love the darn thing. But when I went climbing the other day I jam packed it full of items that I didn’t need (an extra pair of climbing shoes, my climbing harness, extra chalk, a sweater…). Needless to say, it’s now empty and only packed with my every day climbing gear and yoga mat on top.

6. Speaking of scents, I want to get my hands on the Jo Malone Pink Peony and Blush Suede perfume. I think it’s something due to the fact that I have had peonies hanging out on my night table the past little while. Thanks to Suzie for letting me borrow her photo with her permission.

7. The Guy and I bought a family membership to a local pool! It brings back memories of me training for my Bronze Medallion (is that a Canadian thing? I think it’s equivalent to Lifeguard status). I was never the fastest swimmer, and I worked so bloody hard that summer, getting my timing down on my swims. Except I was the only person who failed the class out of the 15 of us girls, because I laughed too much on the mouth-t0-mouth part. I’m still immature like that. I was so pissed off, I haven’t swam much since. That was when I was 16! Ages ago. Now I am old and shrivelled up (kidding) and cannot swim a full length of the pool without stopping. I’m determined to get my swim strength back.

What perfume do you wear?
I’ve been wearing Philosophy’s latest scent in Sunshine Grace, and I have a sample of that Jo Malone scent, it smells fantastic.

How many times per week do you workout?
Lately, I’ve been working out 4-6 days a week.

Are you a night time or morning showerer?
I prefer to shower in the mornings, but lately I’ve been showering after my workouts, before bed.

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Thinking Outloud Thursday #1

My first Thinking Out Loud post. Thought this would be great for those lazy weeks where I just want to type a sentence per photo, instead of telling a story or write a full blog post on just one topic. Here, we go!

1. I have been so incredibly warm this week in our town house that I saw actual water droplets on my cheeks and nose while making the bed. Why did I not jump in the pool? #FirstWorldProblems.

LaSportiva climbing shoes2. After 75 minutes of yoga, and THREE hours of climbing, Ellen and I were still crushing 5.10c’s. I’m so proud of ourselves.

Año Nuevo State Park3. Jessica invited me along to the beach with her family last Saturday. I can just sit at the beach for hours (which we did) and enjoy the ocean, and play in the sand (like the child that I am). I enjoyed every minute of it.

Burger Santa Cruz4. Once we had our beach fix, Jessica told me about this burger joint in Santa Cruz, appropriately called, Burger. It hit the spot.

Alfies new bed5. I bought Alfie a new day bed, identical to his old one that I reviewed four years ago (note how different puppy face Alfie looks?!). I got the first one for free to review, from this site called CSN (which no longer exists) but I’m glad I found an identical one, and decided on a different colour this time. They made some improvements with the new bed, a removable cover! Finally. Note I called it a day bed because he sleeps in his crate at night in our bedroom.

Speck iPhone case6. This is the prettiest phone case I’ve seen in a while. I gave it to Jessica, because it’s an iPhone case from Speck, and I have a BlackBerry.

Computer History Museum7. The Guy and I went to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View last weekend and had a fantastic time reminiscing about things we used to have as kids. But one thing that stood out to me was the Google self-driving car. Have you heard of it?! It was insane and we were behind one on the freeway going to the museum.

Google8. After the museum, we were in the same vicinity as Google’s headquarters. I wanted to see what it looked like there, so we took a little tour.

Google donut9. I like your the bigger-than-lifesized food, Google!

10. Unroll Me is a non-gimicky website, where it unsubscribes you from whatever e-mails you choose to unsubscribe from, all in one click. It’s pretty awesome. But some companies are sneaky and keep putting you back on their list. I’ve been using it for a few months, and I’ve been meaning to tell you guys about it. But keep forgetting to!

Sunshine Grace11. Got a new perfume from Philosophy, it’s called Sunshine Grace and smells like summer. It’s gorgeous, I can definitely smell some hints of coconut, and vanilla. Perfect scent for these California sunny days.

Skoop12. Lastly, I’ve been trying to incorporate post workout drinks to refuel my body after a boulder session, or a run. Skoop sent me some products to try out. More on this, later!

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