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Wordless Wednesday

My first climbing friend, Lori took me out for my birthday in 2006. Just thought I’d post this since I recently posted my latest birthday blog post.

Here we are again at one of the Climbing competition slide shows. Yay!

Post you may have missed over the long weekend:

Wow, that’s a lot of blog posts. I’m taking a break til Friday! See you then :)

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Wordless Wednesday

I moved to Ontario during Summer 2006 and lived with relatives for four months. I wanted to get out on my own and I found my very first room mate from a University of Guelph housing website. Here’s  my very first place!!

Great spot with a female room mate who ended up selling the house (rather, her parents) and moved to England. The last ‘apartment’ house I lived in, my other room mate ended up leaving for England as well. What are the odds? At least they didn’t have something else in common like dressing up in a naughty nurse costume. THAT would’ve been awkward on all parties.


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Wordless Wednesday | Random Fact

Kickin it old school with the photos. Here are some photos of me back in College, it was a birthday celebration for me at Jungle Jim’s. I think in 2005?

Random fact: I miss climbing, a lot. But CrossFit definitely makes up for it. You get the same type of “zoning out” feel as you’re doing your Workout Of the Day with CrossFit, as you do with climbing. You hear/see no one when you’re “in the zone” as we used to say when I climbed, lol.

Psst. Come back later today for a giveaway!

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