Day 2 we started off by visiting the Expo again.
There was a Mr. Potato Head challenge, we had to re-create the look of what the booth-lady was doing in so many seconds, and we’d win a prize. I lost. lol.
There was a Febreeze “experiment” where we had to sign waivers, and enter a room blindfolded. I thought we were going to get sprayed by Febreeze. I feel drunk when I’m blind folded, all stumbly.
But no, we were actually being FILMED. If you’re a friend on my facebook, you can see the video there. It won’t let me embed the video here, and since my computer is broke I can’t upload it for you guys to see.
We headed upstairs to go to some of the seminars, where I also bumped into Kristin from Iowa Girl Eats! I didn’t have my camera on me, but it was so nice to finally get to meet her after reading her blog for a few years. I love it when people are just what you expected / and how they appear on their blog. So fun!
The photo below was taken on the roof top of the Marriott Convention Centre. Pretty, huh?
Hershey’s had a wonderful room set up like a campfire. I made my very first smore ever. It kinda tasted like a cookie. I think smores are more of a central/western thing. I’ve never made them while living in Newfoundland before.
Shannon and I making smores. Cute little fire pit going on for our marshmallows.
Twizzlers had three monuments made completely out of twizzlers. This tower thing, a Statue of Liberty, and the Golden Gate bridge. So fun!
Time for a pee break at Charmin!I think Kudos booth hired some models. Check out the Ken-barbie doll model like men. Hawties!
Can you spot my business “card”? Here’s a hint: it’s a button ;)
I liked handing out my business card/button to people because everyone I gave it to, stared at it a bit longer than they would’ve a normal business card. I think it was a neat move on my part, but I would’ve probably also liked to bring business cards to put in door prize draws. I’m not sure who’s going to be picking up buttons for giveaways.
Anyway, stay tuned for part two of day two later!