I only unpacked last night, two days after arriving back from San Diego. CALIFORNIA. Whoa.
I did have a chance to look through all the photos, but they’re so overwhelming I just don’t know where to start, or how many to post up. I took 400 photos and I’m waiting from the girls to upload their photos so I can grab those too, to post.
Maybe I’ll just do highlights. Even then, it’ll be a 3 or 4 part-er post. Does that make sense? You know what I’m trying to say, right? It’s Thursday. It’s almost Friday. We’re almost there weekend … almost there.
So. I unpacked. I put things away and I of course had to take photos of my BlogHer loot.
39 pounds in all its glory. I brought a suitcase and my clothes/shoes fit all in my carry on and purse. There’s a tip for ya, for next year folks. Bring extra baggage.
Holy mother of pearl, right? You can click the images to enlarge them if you’d like. Now you can probably understand why I felt overwhelmed the first day. So. Much. Stuff. (Psst, the next BlogHer in 2012 is in NYC. But no wooden swing sets new york to be given away, maybe for a door prize?)
Some of the BlogHer11 loot includes:
- Philosophy
- Sesame Street
- Quaker
- Pepsi Co
- Pine-Sol
- Twizzlers
- Riceworks chips
- Johnson & Johnson
- Dole
- Hershey (not shown, forgot to include a few things actually!)
- Snap Fish
- Glad
- 3M
That was just on the conference days. I also did a bit (a lot) of shopping. Heck yea to 7% taxes and the US dollahhh.
Click to enlarge!
A ton of orbit gum since it’s a favorite of mine. There’s so many flavors, lol.
Okay, that’s all for not! Bye guys!