My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 27)


year 1, week 27, day one

Behind Neck Split Jerk


We moved up in weight each time we did a set. I was on my last set of weights and it ended up being 85lbs. I dropped the weight behind my back as I was lowering it down on the first go. I decided to stop then and there, it got too heavy to bring down to my shoulders. My last successful behind neck split jerk was the 5th round at 75lbs.

Then it was time for the WOD:


I got double unders for the first time!!! We were practicing them before the WOD and I got like 6 and 7 in a row for a few go’s. I tried to do it for the WOD but I couldn’t go fast enough and I kept tripping over myself. It was just faster and easier for me to do 3x the amount of single skips. I ended up getting down to the 30’s. We only had 10 mins for it. I surprised myself and pumped out all 50 sit ups without stopping on the first round. Boom! That’s how it’s done ;)

My elbows ended up bruising pretty badly as the skipping causes some whip marks on my arms, and sometimes my butt or ankles!


year 1, week 27, day two

 The Seven – Modified

Five rounds for time of:

7 Handstand push-ups diver bombers
7 Thrusters; 135/95lbs I used 50lbs
7 Knees to elbows
7 Deadlifts; 135/95lbs I used 50lbs
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings; 2 pood/1.5 pood I used 16kg
7 Pull-ups

It was a tough one. I was on my forth round and completed the 7 dive bombers and 7 thrusters and the timer went off. We had a 25min time limit. So nuts.

I shamelessly took before and after pictures… in the elevator. Like I said. No shame man! No probs. Full of sweat.

Before: Happy and pumped up!  After: Tired and hungry.


year 1, week 27, day three

Hang Clean:
20 Minutes to Establish 1RM

We had twenty minutes to get to our one rep max. My 1 rep max hang clean ended up being 100lbs!! LOL omg. So awesome. Tried for 105lbx three times after, and failed. So – guess I found my 1 rep max, for sure! 100lbs impressed me. Holy cow.

Example of Hang Clean (source)

AMRAP 8: (as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes)
8 Ring Dip
8 Hollow Rocks I did V-Situps instead, because my abs killed from the Annie WOD.

I completed 5 full rounds in the 8 minutes. No extras anywhere. I hate ring dips, they’re really difficult for me lol.

I tweeted this image of my biceps, again in the elevator. Hey, it’s a long ride up to my floor, and there’s a mirror. What else am I to do? ;)

I don’t know if this was a shadow from the overhead light, or if my biceps look this big naturally. Either way, I like it.


year 1, week 27, day four

We started out doing 40 minutes of Yoga at CrossFit before the Murphy Challenge:

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile runI was surprisingly not nervous for this workout until we were all sent outside to get a run-through of the WOD. That’s when my hands started shaking.

I completed my first mile in 7:40, which I was surprised about, I thought I was going slower. I teamed up with one of my CrossFit buddies and we did the 100 pull ups with the black band, together. Taking turns doing 10 each. We flew through it, and were one of the first 7-ish people to finish.

Now, the 200 push ups were what was the most brutal part of the workout. I don’t know how people flew through them. At one point I was laying down on my stomach with my forehead resting on my hands. One of the two CrossFit coaches came over to me and asked how many I had left. “70” I said. He then said quietly “mind over matter nancy, you can do this”. This is why I love CrossFit. Those simple words, I don’t know where the energy came from, but that moment right there is when I needed it. My other CrossFit coach was doing the Murphy challenge with us.

Finally getting into the 300 squats, and another CrossFit friend came over to me. He started CrossFit the same day I did, but he was one of the first guys to finish. Speedy lil’ thing. Anyway, he saw me struggling through the squats and asked how many I had left. I said “I’m at 181!” He too, said some encouraging words to me.

Finished my squats and bursted out of the CrossFit box (it’s like a warehouse) and tried to go into a full run. Most people were finished by this time, and I shouted “Oh F&C*” except I really swore ;) My legs felt like I had just done a brick-workout. Like folks when they’re racing in triathlons, and getting off the bike is difficult going back into running. My legs felt so heavy. I just shuffled along and pounded through it.

My final time ended up being 65:13. I was really proud of it, since I’ve never done the Murphy challenge before. I passed my year and a half at CrossFit last week, so it was due time that I did this. A few people said it was a “rite of passage” for CrossFit, to complete it.

I loved it, and I’d do it again soon. Does that make me sound crazy? ;)

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My CrossFit Journal (1 year + 2 weeks in)

Two weeks into the first year of CrossFit, here’s how I did:


day one

3 RDS:
40 Double Unders (or 120 regular skips)
20 Wall Ball (20/16)
10 Pull Up
5 Burpees
Wall balls are my most hatred workout at CrossFit or any other type of exercise. The only thing I will skip and try to cheat at and do 18 instead of 20 reps is wall balls. I don’t care if you scold me. I’d rather do thrusters and I know it’s kind of the same thing but  wall balls make me so angry. I couldn’t finish the three rounds in the 15 minutes we were allocated. I ended up getting to the third round and finishing 6 full kipping pullups before the timer went off. Shoot!


day two


10 Deadlift; 155/105lbs
15 T2B

I still can’t do handstand pushups. Especially not 5 in a row, so for the scaled version we do the basic one which is starting on your feet and leaning down with your bum in the air and go down like you would in a pushup, just diagonally. Not sure if I’m explaining it right. Oh well.

Here’s the scaled version:
10 Dive Bombers
10 Deadlifts (I did end up using 105lbs!!)
15 Toes To Bar

I ended up doing almost 5 full rounds. I was on the 5th round, and completed 10 dive bombers, 10 deadlifts and was about to start my toes to bar’s but then the timer went off.


I had originally planned to go 3 days in a row to CrossFit since I had other plans that week for things. But the third day there was a power outage on the north side of the entire city. I drove over anyway since some of the lights on certain parts of the city were actually on. Once I arrived I saw a note on the door stating that they were closed. :(

[older crossfit journal entries]

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