I’m not that computer savvy. I’ve been blogging with the WordPress platform since I switched over a few years ago, from editing my site in HTML and re-uploading the main.html file EVERY time I wanted to do a blog entry. Crazy huh?
So whenever anyone tells me that there are some neat plugins for my site, I jump at the chance. Especially if it’s going to improve the quality and accessibility to my website.
Erin who blogs over at ButterNWhiskey (love that name by the way) mentioned a new-to-me plugin called nrelate, and thank the lord they have a step-by-step guide on how to search for it, download and install it. It literally took about 16 seconds to do it all.
Now you can see at the bottom of each blog post entry, related posts with 4 images/links. YAY!
I like that little change I’ve added to my website, so thanks Erin and thanks nrelate for creating a fun plugin. I had no idea it was that easy.