CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 5

Please scroll to the end of this post to see some amazing climbing pics of my best bud back home!!!

So! My workouts from the week prior goes a little something like this:

The short:

Sunday — rest
Monday — CrossFit

Tuesday — nada
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — zilch
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday — Nada

The long:


year 2, week 5, day one

3×5 weighted pull ups
WOD: Cindy!! (one of my fav’s)
AMRAP 20 mins
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
What I completed:
I was 13 squats short of 10 rounds. :)


year 2, week 5, day two

Ring Dips

100 DU’s (or 200 single skips)
30 V Sits
50 Box Jumps on a 20″ box
50 supermans
100 DU’s (or 200 single skips)
70 situps

 What I completed:
I ended up doing the 200 single skips each time. I felt as if I was cheating, but some day I’ll get more than 5 double under’s in a row.
My time for the WOD was 13:44


year 2, week 5, day three

EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)
3 power cleans at 75% (I used 75lbs!!!)


15 unbroken KB swings
20 unbroken hollow rocks
Rest 30 seconds

What I completed:
I used 12kg and I completed 8 full rounds. I was 10 hollow rocks short of 9 rounds though. Shoot.



I didn’t go climbing this week. I don’t really know why. Maybe prepping myself to go all out for thirty days coming up? (technically speaking, 28 more days…)

trev dyno

Either way, I have this SICK ass picture of my best friend climbing back home. Two pictures. Isnt’ the photographer the best? Chris Boyd is the photographer’s name. The pic was posted on my buddies FB wall so I stole it for the blog to show you all. Nice hey?

trev boulder

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CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 4

I’ve been really enjoying climbing this month and it’s only going to get better from here on out. I’m already scoping out a new pair of climbing shoes as the La Sportiva Miura’s I have right now are 9 years old and have never been resoled. Can you believe that? Now, I’ve stopped climbing for about 5 years in between that time frame, but still! They’re old. I’m not sure whether to replace them with the same type of shoe (that are now the MENS version – they came out with a women’s version but different color. That’s how old they are), or get a less aggressive shoe. The Katana’s, which I’ve been eying for years. Ho-hum, we’ll see.

On Saturday I sat down to a 3 hour paleo seminar. My paleo challenge starts on April 7th, so YES I did get to enjoy some Easter chocolate, and no I didn’t “fail already”, because it didn’t even START. Now that that ramble is out of the way, onto my workouts from last week.

The short:

Sunday — rest
Monday — CrossFit

Tuesday — sick day :(
Wednesday — rest
Thursday — Bouldering
Friday — rest
Saturday — paleo seminar? (Not really working out)

The long:


year 2, week 4, day one

5 rounds
10 under bar power hang clean
50 double unders (0r 150 single skips)
10 burpees
1 minute rest
What I completed:
Each round we went up in weight, here’s what mine looked like: 55lbs – 65lbs-70lbs-75lbs-80lbs.
I completed ALMOST all five rounds. I was short of oneeeee burpee :)


year 2, week 4, day two

I wasn’t bouldering this time, but I ended up doing a lot of top rope on Thursday night which was fun. My friend took a few pictures of me, too! Yay!


blurry climb


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ootwwHello all! What does everyone have planned for the long weekend?

Last night I went climbing again with some bud’s. Ended up doing top rope again for the first time in a year or so. I’ve been bouldering the last few weeks and finally strapped on my harness and did some 5.10’s!climb 2

I was pretty happy about that. In just a few more weeks, I’ll be tearing down the 11’s! hee hee.

I have today off work, due to it being Good Friday. I slept in until 11am or so, then made myself some eggs (two, to be exact) and that gave me the burst of energy I needed. I ended up cleaning out our fridge which didn’t take as long as I had thought it would, surprisingly.clean fridge

All spic ‘n span now. Love opening it up and seeing everything so freshly organized. I think we have enough margarine to do us until 2014, don’t you think? Also looks like we’re well stocked on the vitaminwater. I’d like to tackle the porch now, but I kind of want to sit down and watch movies on netflix.

I also want to test out these bright neon kicks this weekend, since it’s pretty sunny and not much snow on the ground anymore.Saucony Virrata Perfect time to go for a run (first time since January) don’t you think? Omg, I can’t get over how bright they are you guys. They’re the Saucony Virrata’s.

What are your plans for Easter?

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