My CrossFit Journal (Year 2, week 1)

Last week was tremendous at CrossFit!

The short:

Monday — CrossFit
Tuesday — CrossFit
Wednesday — Rest
Thursday — CrossFit
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday — Volunteering at Tour de Bloc boulder competition
Sunday — bouldering at the local climbing gym!

The long:


year 2, week 1, day one

 CrossFit WOD


Front Squat
1 Rep Max.  (95lbs is my max!)


Four Rounds: In 2 minutes complete:
3 chinups (strict)
3 pull ups (strict)
8 push ups
burpees with remaining time
1 minute rest

What I completed:
Did the whole set. First round of burpees I did 11, second & third round I did 10, and finished the fourth round with 11)


year 2, week 1, day two

7 rounds:
30s Handstand Hold (nose/toes to wall)
3 Wall climbs
5 Toes to bar
7 Box jumps; 30/24″

What I completed
5 full rounds and then on my 6th round I did a 20 second handstand hold until the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 1, day three

We did the WOD from the CrossFit Games Open: 13.1

17 minutes to complete:

40 Burpees
30 Snatch (75/45)
30 Burpees
30 Snatch (135/85)
20 Burpees
30 Snatch (165/110)
10 burpees
As many as possible Snatch (210)

What I completed:
40 burpees
30 snatches at 35lbs
30 burpees
29 snatches at 45lbs


year 2, week 41, day four

Every 30s for 7min (14 Total Reps)
1 DeadLift @ 315/215lb

What I completed:
Used 115lbs for the deadlifts

Alternating Tabata
KB Swings; 20/12kg
Russian KB Twists; 20/12kg

What I completed:
I Rx’ed this WOD.



Volunteering on Saturday at the climbing gym for Tour de Bloc ten.

I volunteered from 3-9pm and got put with the finalists in isolation. It was pretty funny being in there with the 16 of them. I posted photos on Facebook, but maybe I’ll do a re-cap this week about it.

Nap time for the 16 finalists.
My duties were to make sure they didn’t peek out at the final boulder problems, and walking them to the bathroom and also not peeking at the routes.


Bouldering at the climbing gym

IMG_6132This is just a recycled photo from last Tour de Bloc. Thought I’d include it, lol

I spent 2 hours at the climbing gym just bouldering the problems that were in the comp from the day before. I didn’t feel too sore, or too out of the loop, regardless of how many months I’ve been off climbing. Good to be back.

Look at the mess of my pants! Chalk everywhere. bouldering pants

Time to take a stainless steel hose to these pants to get them cleaned up for this weeks CrossFit and climbing sessions, since I activated my free month membership at the climbing gym. Hooyea.


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It’s International Women’s Day today. Did you know that?

Going on that theme, we’re bringing it to work with us. I work with 34 people, and 32 of them being women. So today is going to be one heck of a day at work. I cannot wait to document it, take photos, and tell you all about it. But since a lot (a lot) of co-workers read my blog, I don’t want to ruin anything for them by letting it all out this morning.

Let me just tell you, that they’re going to be shocked at how fun the day is going to be :) That is all.

My bosses birthday was yesterday and we went out to the mall together for lunch. She bought a few cute things at Fossil, as did another person at work. I took photos, I’ll show you them at a later date though, because otherwise we won’t get this OOTWW & TFF done, will we?!

I’m wearing a lot of purple today. Being that the purple is THE color of International Women’s Day. Eee! Guys I’m in such a good mood this morning. I think it’s because of all the CrossFit workouts I’ve done this week, paired with a ton of fun at work, and then tomorrow I’ll be volunteering at the climbing gym for an event!

Alright. OOTWW time.


Think I have enough “riding boots”?

I’d also like to show you Laura my co-workers OOTD from last Friday.Lauras-OOTDAndies top, Yoga jeans from Melanie Lynn, Rockport shoes, Fossil Explorer Tote, Swiss watch (she has a Fossil one too, that she should’ve worn!), Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery Necklace, and ring is fromSea Jewels.

Courtney is bringing back Beast Mode(!!!) her workouts this month.

Erica with BrookeBurkeDVDErica won my Brooke Burke DVD giveaway a few weeks back and she’s using the DVDs a lot! Well done!

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The TWO YEAR MARK at CrossFit!

I haven’t been going to CrossFit on a regular basis lately. Once a week is all I’ve mustered up in February. Perhaps it was the February Blues, or whatever excuse I may come up with — it was just a break and I didn’t mind it. As long as I keep going back, right?

My first receipt from CrossFit: February 24, 2011. Meaning…I passed the TWO YEAR MARK at CrossFit on February 24. I’m pretty proud of that!CrossFit-Anniversary

Last week I headed in on Thursday and did this WOD:


year 1, week 52, day one

 CrossFit WODFor the low bar back squats I worked my way up to 85lbs and found it easier than doing regular back squats with that accumulated weight. Nicely done.

The WOD was 6 rounds of:

  • 1 minute on: 4 power cleans (I used 85lbs)
  • 1 minute on: max rep burpees.

Thankfully I completed the 4 power cleans each time. Though by the end of it, it was getting difficult. Get that butt back in time for the drop down to catch the weight! Oof. As for the burpee’s I was proud of my number on that too:

Round 1: 14 burpees
Round 2: 11 burpees
Round 3: 11 burpees
Round 4: 10 burpees
Round 5: 9 burpees
Round 6: 10 burpees


[older crossfit journal entries]

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