My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 24)

The short:

  • Yoga x2
  • Run x2
  • CrossFit x1


year 1, week 24, day one

I went to Yoga again, but this time I went solo. I don’t remember much of the class, but I do remember not liking the instructor as much as another woman who does the class later on in the week. It’s funny how it works out that way…

year 1, week 24, day two

4.25km run by my self — I had planned on going for 6km but I ended up turning around early. I thought I had only ran 3k, but when I mapped it out it was 4.25k! The sweat was pourin’ off me, it was super hot that weekend.

Sorry. That photo is probably nasty. Either way, I wanted to break up the texty blog post with some photos of my SWEAT. lol


year 1, week 24, day three

Get out of town.

6:30pm CrossFit class followed by an 8:00pm 6km run with my co-worker. Moses. I was feeling it on the run, that’s for sure. I even let out huge sighs and “are we there yet?”‘s hahaha!


1 Snatch

1 Snatch Press
1 Overhead Squat

That was the prescribed workout above , a 20 minute time limit. You do 1, every minute on the minute. Instead I did 20 snatch press to overhead squats, and I did 60lbs for the full duration!


year 1, week 24, day four


I think this is the one where I mentioned that I nearly got kicked out of yoga (for laughing). Not to worry, a blog post will be coming up soon about that.

I found this particular class very useless. I felt like I didn’t workout, just got a few minor stretches in. lol Again, total blog post all about this class coming up.


year 1, week 24, day five

Okay this doesn’t really count as working out but I wanted to include it in my roundup.

(click to enlarge image)

Steph and I went to the local climbing gym because I knew there was going to be a bouldering competition happening that evening. “Summer Sweat Fest” sponsored by MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-Op). It was so great seeing my “old buddies” again. I haven’t really climbed hard since February, and then just going in there for an evening and watching everyone work the boulder problems, definitely made me want to get back into it again!

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We love CrossFit

Ashley said it well on her blog, earlier yesterday: For the Love of CrossFit. She always says what I’m thinking in my head, about CrossFit but rarely write about. I love her blog.

Last week I took a “break” from CrossFit, and now this week I’ve been attending the local YMCA with my co-worker doing Yoga (really fun, seriously) and Muscle Pump (no thanks). I skipped out on going to the YMCA last night to go to CrossFit again, because I wanted to sweat. This was our SWOD/DWOD:

For the SWOD I ended up doing a total of 75lbs, and when I went to 80lbs I dropped the weight on the ground since I couldn’t lift it at all lol.

AMRAP stands for “As Many Rounds As Possible” in 12 minutes. I managed to get 3 rounds in, while everyone else got 5+. I’m very weak in the shoulders and found that lifting a 25lb plate over head while doing lunges really slowed me down. Plus, I suck at skipping. I got some pretty gnarly bruises from the 90 regular skips (since I can’t do double unders we have to do 3x the amount of skips). Who gets bruised elbows from skipping? Seriously. So weird.

When my co-worker saw my bruises she called me a maniac. Which then reminded her of her favorite movie Tommy Boy, and thought I may have looked like him while I was skipping. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard seeing that scene from the movie. Just watch…

After my CrossFit workout last night, I ran with my co-worker around town! Awesome way to end the evening. 6km with some sprints at the very end. My favorite! My legs honestly felt like they were made of lead by the end. SO heavy. But we did it! I don’t think I’ve sweat in places I’ve sweated before. It was interesting and maybe traumatizing.

P.S. I totally found a random photo of me the other day.

These two photos are almost 10 years apart from each other. Looks like I’m going backwards in age ;) Either that, or I’m thanking that my Boyfriend asked me to stop in tanning beds!

Off I go to Yoga again! I don’t think I’ve worked out this much in months. 4x already this week!

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 20)

The short:

  • CrossFit x 2
  • 5.35km run

The long (see below)


year 1, week 20, day one

Linda: Modified
Dead Lift (1.5 x Body Weight) I used 105lbs
True Push Ups (on the rings!)
Clean (0.75 x Body Weight) I used 55lbs
What 10-1 meant was that we had to complete 10 dead lifts, 10 pushups, 10 cleans. THEN count down and do 9 dead lifts, 9 pushups, 9 cleans… 8, 7, 6 etc. I ended up completing 5 dead lifts and 5 pushups on the rings and the buzzer went off. I didn’t even use “that heavy” of a weight, but I certainly felt it throughout the workout!

year 1, week 20, day two

20 minute time limit

5 Rounds
50 squats
12 chin ups

I came close to finishing the WOD and completed all 4 rounds of the 50 squats, 12 chin ups. I was on my 5th round of squats, and the timer went off. I think I had 5 left or so, then had 12 chin ups left to do.

After this workout I met up with my co-worker and her little boy and we went for a 5.35km run!!


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