My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 14)

Oh dear. It’s been AGES since I did a CrossFit weekly post. Apologies!! I’ve been a slacker.

What I did this week? See below!


year 1, week 14, day one

5×3 – Clean Pulls

3×3 – Tempo Dead Lift
*3 seconds from ground to knee on way up, 3 seconds from full hip extension to knee on way down

200m Sprint
15 Hollow Rocks
30 sec. Superman Hold

For the AMRAP I completed almost 4 full rounds. The buzzer went off and I had 4 seconds left to hold my Superman pose. I did it anyway. It was a tough WOD on the abs. There were 2 guys in the class and 3 females including me. I loved being the second fastest runner (one of the guys was ahead) and the other guy swore to me: “Holy shit you’re fast!”. That is, until I burnt out on my 3rd round. Like I said, those abs… ugh it was wonderful.


year 1, week 14, day two

5 rounds

800m Run
30 Toes To Bar (T2B)

We had a 40 minute time limit for this WOD. I ended up doing the 5 complete rounds of running. I had 2 minutes to complete the 800m run as time was running out. I got back in 4. So obviously I didn’t finish the last set of 30 T2B’s.

I posted this picture of me right after I finished. I’m purple!!!



year 1, week 14, day three

18min time limit

5 Rounds of:

12 Deadlifts; 155/105lbs
9 Hang Clean; 155/105lbs
6 Push Jerks; 155/105lbs

So I obviously didn’t do the prescribed workout since my weakness is in my shoulders. I ended up using 55lbs in total. I’m usually like a rotating helicopter with that weight over my head usually, and I wasn’t wobbly!

I’m surprised I did the full WOD. We only had 18 minutes for 5 rounds. Coach shouted out TEN SECONDS, as I had 2 push jerks left of my 5th round. Go the very last one up over my head as the timer buzzed. Sooo awesome. I felt great.

I felt so great I asked my boyf to take a photo of me flexing, hahahaha!! Check it out. I kinda love it. All that stuff in my left hand are screw drivers and my new license plate sticker for the year. Thursday was the last day to swap it out so I met him down there and he changed the sticker for me. Whatta guy.


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OOTWW + Birthday giveaway winners

Wow. This month of May has been a world-wind of blog posts. I’m going to slow down in June, maybe. I want to get back into regular blogging about fitness and food more. I’ve been eating “clean” (meaning no fast food for a while, and more veggies. Even though I kinda want to dig into all of the sharis berries 30 birthday gifts lol) for the past few weeks and I feel great.Time to incorporate that into my blog. Similar to what I did this week with mostly food posts for the Wordless Wednesday post? Did you like that?

I’ve also found a new self tanner that I’ve been loving more so than my expensive bottle of St. Tropez. I’ve gotten a request to do a video about it. But I’m more comfortable writing blog posts than I am filming myself on video.

Please read my previous blog post and help out in any way if you can: Up Side Down Charity Golf Tournament on June 12, in Baden Ontario.

Until then, I’ll leave you with my OOTWW. I unintentionally wore a lot of white this week. Can you believe that this is my 89th outfit of the work week post!? Holy cripes.Enjoy your weekend. I’ll be blogging about my CrossFit workouts that I did this week, coming up on Monday. Guess how many times I went! :)

p.s: Did everyone who won prizes from my Birthday Giveaway, receive their prizes? If not, please let me know!

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, Week 8)


year 1, week 8, day one

Bench Press 1RM

I got to 75lbs and couldn’t lift it. I tried twice and the second time I definitely couldn’t. I even let out a big ol’ F bomb that made everyone laugh when I was on the bench pushing the weight.

Weighted Pullups 8×2

I didn’t do weighted pullups becuse I required the band. We had to do these pullups strict. I used the black band.

9 Lat Twist
6 Clap Push Up
3 Burpee

We had to do the AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 5 minutes, and if we didn’t get five rounds we were penalized with 10 more burpees! Thankfully I was on my 6th round when the buzzer went off. A short, and sweet WOD for sure. Had me huffing and puffing trying to get my five rounds in though.


year 1, week 8, day two

For time:
Run 400 meters
21 Thruster; 95/65lbs  (I used 50lbs)
21 Pull-ups
Run 300 meters
15 Thruster; 95/65lbs (I used 50lbs)
15 Pull-ups
Run 200 meters
9 Thruster; 95/65lbs (I used 50lbs)
9 Pull-ups

This was a “modified Fran” WOD. Our warmup was a 1km run. We had a 20 minute time limit for this WOD and I didn’t end up finishing it.

For thrusters I used 50lbs, and ended up being on my last round of 9 thrusters. I had completed 3 in total, and the buzzer went off. Brutal workout, but love those ones.


[older crossfit journal entries]

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