My CrossFit Journal (week 39)


Week 39 Day 1.

Floor Press (8×2)

This one was difficult for me. My upper body still feels a ton more weak than my lower body. I did end up making it to 65lbs though.

The warmup was crazaay…

(Hey it’s me!)

30 box jumps (I used 20″)
20 more box jumps starting from the top and bouncing off the floor quickly (I ended up going down to 16″)

Then the second part of the warmup was an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12 minutes:

  • 3 burpees
  • 6 standing rows HP (35lbs) — the photo shown in this one is wrong, sorry. You just stand up straight, and bring your hands to your chest, with the weight. Make sense? Working your outer shoulders.
  • 9 overhead situps with a kettle bell (I used 12kg for the first round, then dropped to 8kg)
  • 12 double unders // or 36 regular skips.

I was DYING at 3 minutes in. I don’t know how many rounds I ended up doing but it was more than 3 or 4.


Week 39 Day 2.


Deadlift; 185/155lbs
Burpee Box Jumps; 20/16″

*30 seconds L-Sit

Notice for the burpee box jumps: Jump on top of the box. Jump off the box and do a pushup. Jump back on the box, etc. Everytime there is a “star” you do the 30 second L sit. It goes something like this: 15 deadlifts, 15 burpee box jumps, 30 second hold. 12 deadlifts, 12 burpees, 30 second hold.

I don’t think I’ve ever had my hair soaked after a workout before. It was insane! I completed my WOD in 18:20. Note, I cannot L-Sit with my legs extended, I’m there in the fetal position with my feet under my butt, lol. Extended is way hard! For the deadlifts I did 115lbs! Isn’t that insane? That used to be my “max” lifting capabilities. Now I can probably lift up a truck and do an rv repair. Well, obviously that’s an exaggeration.


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My CrossFit Journal (week 37)

Since yesterday was my OOTWW and Friday was Tanya’s, today is my CrossFit journal posting. I’m still having difficulty finding the time to balance CrossFit and climbing together. I’m considering morning workouts at CrossFit, but I honestly don’t want to. I’m really not a morning person. I know you can train your body used to it, but do I really want to drive 10 minutes in the winter and work out at 6am? Meh…we’ll see. 


Week 37 Day 1.

Back Squat

I have a new personal record for my backsquat. Back in July, which was exactly 17 weeks ago I could only lift 80lbs for my max. Now I passed 85lbs and now my new max is 90lbs! I did five in total. I first bumped from 85lbs to 95lbs and could only do two and dropped the weight. So I put it back down to 90 and my depth was still there. Success!!!

I made a joke to myself and on Twitter that night, saying I can back squat your grandma. There are some really strong people at CrossFit. It’s amazing what some of the girls the same size as me can back squat. One girl was over 185lbs for hers. Insane, right??? I’d feel my quads would pop off if I did that lol



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My CrossFit Journal (week 35)

I was supposed to post this on Saturday, but I forgot. I went to CrossFit just once last week. I’m going more this week, promising myself that. I went yesterday after work and I’m going again tonight.


Week 35 Day 1.

3 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats (135/95)  — I used 30lbs
50 Double Unders // or 150 skips

For now, I can’t lift any more than 30lbs over my head so I’m stuck at 30. I also find it impossible to do more than 1 double under skip in a row so I always go and do the 150. I ended up finishing the three rounds in 7:38. Not bad I don’t think!


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