I’ve been slacking most of August since I went to San Diego, got a sunburn so bad I couldn’t move, then almost immediately after my sunburn healed, I flew to British Columbia for Ironman Canada. I made up for it this week by getting straight back at it again and going 3x this week!
Week 29 Day 1.
Overhead Squat
Worked my way up to a 55 pound overhead squat. I tried to do 60lbs for the last two, and ended up bailing when I was finishing the squat and standing up.
Week 29 Day 2.
25 minute time limit
25 Lunges
20 Pull Ups (I ended up doing kips on the red -last- elastic there is and did 11 in a row. I think it’s time for me to get rid of the helper!!)
50 Box Jumps (I used a 20″ box)
200m Run
25 Ring Dips
20 K2E’s
30 KB Swing (32/24) (I used 16kb = 35 pounds!)
60 Sit Ups
25 Supermans
30 KB Thrusters (32/24) (I used 12kb = 26 pounds!)
(click to enlarge)
I didn’t end up finishing this workout in the 25 minutes. I was on the very last exercise — the thrusters, and I completed exactly 15 of them. Half way when the timer went off.
Week 29 Day 3.
Our local CrossFit moved locations in July, and the Open House was today!
As I mentioned it was a Two team based WOD. First round was Dodge ball and when you were out you had a penalty workout which consisted either of 50 squats (!!!), 25 push ups (I had to do this in the first round), or 10 burpees (which I did on the final round). Next was flipping a TRACTOR TIRE, and your team all had to do it one person at a time. Third round was running with two heavy kettle bells in your arms 16 kilos for females. Run to the end of the long driveway and back. While the other team waited they (and of course us later) ended up doing as many rounds of: 10 burpees, 15 squats, 5 leg swings as possible! So insane. I think our final round was leap frog jump, remember that from preschool?? Haha.
Anyway our team ended up losing. We had tons of BBQed burgers, paleo treats, and just sat around chatting with friends. There were door prizes at the end where I won $25 to the liqour store, woo hoo!
I’m now off to go climbing for the afternoon! Have a fab day!!
[older crossfit journal entries]