Come back tomorrow and I’ll show you the Fall/Winter 2013 collection from Reebok!
My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 23

year 2, week 23, day 1 I started off by doing 50 double unders for the first and second round. It slowed me down so I ended up doing single skips on my third & fourth round.
year 2, week 23, day 2 EMOM 15 Full Clean 1-3 @ 50-60% 4-6 @ 60-70% 7-9 @ 70-80% 10-12 @ 80-90% 13-15 @ 90+ Every minute on the minute complete ONE full clean. This is how my weight went: 1 and 2 I used 55lbs 3rd I used 60lbs 4-6 I used 65lbs 7-9 I used 70lbs 10-12 I used 75lbs for the last two I used 85lbs AMRAP 15 7 Halting Dead Lift (Where ever you finished on the Cleans) 14 Push Ups 7 Over Bar Burpees I went up in weight for the halting deadlifts instead of using the 85lbs we finished with. I put 10 more pounds on and used 95lbs for the halting deadlifts. Completed 5 full rounds and in my 6th round I completed all 7 halting deadlifts. Â
year 2, week 23, day 3 WOD: 100m run 15 push press I used 55lbs 200m run 10 push press I used 60lbs 400m run 5 push press I used 65lbs 100m run 5 push jerk I used 65lbs 400m run 10 push jerk I used 60lbs 200m run 15 push jerk I used 55lbs 100m run I finished the WOD in 16:17. This workout really pushed me, since I was one of the slower/weaker people in the class this night. I was one of the last people to finish, which makes me work harder because I want to still get a decent time. I was pretty happy with the time I got!
My new tattoo
It’s time to do some laundry tonight. Sometimes I let it pile up and take up all of the washers available in our apartment complex.
It’s funny, because we usually only have athletic wear and towels to wash mostly. I know when I run out of my favorite workout tops from Under Armour, MPG Sport, and Lululemon, it’s time to do laundry. I need my favorite items to work out in!
Hey. Gotta have some visual interest in a blog post, right? :)
The boyf is training very hard for his upcoming Ironman in Mont Tremblant in August, so he’s going through laundry like it’s a hot potato. Sorry, couldn’t think of a better description than that. It’s incredible the work outs he puts in. For instance on Saturday & Sunday he ran 20km, Monday he biked 210km, Tuesday he ran 32 at a “slow” pace of what my fast pace is: 5:15min/km’s. Ya. His slow runs are my going full-tilt so that’s why we don’t train together ;) I don’t want to feel like I’m slowing him down even though he’s always up for going out on a run with me regardless of the speed.
I’m taking the night off CrossFit. I’ll be going 4x this week (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and tonight I’m going to do a little work out at home from my iPad.
I downloaded the Chatelaine 10-minute fitness app. I’ve been using it for a few days but tomorrow I’ll let you know how it all works.
I’ve been going to my pedicure lady for the past few years and last weekend she had a going away party since her family is moving to Cambodia, where I got this new tattoo of mine. Don’t freak out Mom and Dad – it’s fake. Who would’ve guessed? It’s a stencil which she painted body glue on, then brushed glitter of my choice. It won’t budge. It’s been on since the weekend.
I thought it was “just a fish” until I was told it was finding nemo. Oops. I’ve never seen the movie, can you believe it?
I sure will miss that sweet Sophie. I get regular pedicures in the summer because even though I rarely I don’t wear opened toed shoes often because I’m cold pretty much constantly. I do like to have my feet pretty. Especially now that I have had a black toe nail RIGHT before summer started, and this happened last year as well. What luck, huh? Especially it being on my big honkin’ toe, too. TMI for you all? Sorry!
I’m out! Have a good night all.