So long August!

Well August went out with a bang. My oldest broke his wrist at school last week. What a day that was. I wasn’t sure what to do and luckily the school nurse was incredibly helpful with it all, telling me what to do. This was our first injury with my 3 boys… I mean I’m kinda clueless with this sorta stuff. So, I give the pediatrician a ring on the phone. Pediatrician couldn’t fit him in that day. Ok no biggie. Let’s figure something out. I call my husband and then decided to bring my son to urgent care not too far away.

I had my 2 younger boys in the stroller, so I asked my middle if my eldest could have his seat in the stroller (which was a question I was unsure what the answer would be knowing him) but he surprised me and offered up his seat to his big brother. So, with my big arse Uppababy stroller my middle was riding along on the skateboard attachment, baby up front, and my oldest in the bottom seat. Got home and then left them all outside while I rushed to pack up some snacks, diapers, water, and car keys. Buckled all 3 kids to head out to urgent care.

Urgent care checked on him pretty quickly but then mentioned ot me that they couldn’t xray. They sent off a requisition to a local radiologist. Buckled my 3 kids back up and  went to radiology a few km’s down the road (sigh). Unfortunately the Radiologist wasn’t in and wouldn’t be able to view the xray til that evening or the next day, but I think the X-ray tech took pity on me with my wild bunch, so he whispered to me that it was broken and to go back to urgent care. (Friggen runaround am I right?). I’m sure he wasn’t allowed to tell me it was broken but bless his friggen heart hey.

This time I was thinking ahead and I call urgent care back before buckling kids back up. Urgent care tells me that they can’t cast there (then what CAN they do there? Touch my sons wrist and nod and say yep…broken, cya!)  I’m asking them what am I supposed to do now then? They tell me I need to get an orthopedics to do it. I ask them to send a req to the ortho clinic AND ask that they give me the phone number to it. All while my 2 older boys are getting anstry and hungry. Whip out the snacks and feed them while I’m doing this on the phone. I call ortho immediately. I ask to cast my kid. They say no, can’t do it today, “maybe tomorrow or NEXT WEEK” lollll k. They got my son’s X-ray as we were on the phone and was like ohhh ok we can fit you in tomorrow. So. We did. Oof. An abrupt ending to that story but there it is. They fit us in the next day.

And the next day we finally got my youngest helmet: he’s 9mths old and we’ve been working with PT and insurance to get it since he’s been 4m.

Adding to the chaotic month there were many appointments: colonoscopy (lol hey man my Dad caught his too late and it ended up being stage 4 but he fought it for 10 years), consults and imaging for my baby’s doc band (helmet), dermatologists and revisits to get stitches out, pediatrician well checks for baby’s 9m appointment. Parent training at my son’s school & an evening BBQ. Babys physical therapy appts.

I definitely am not glorifying my busy end of August cause dang I hate having a full calendar. I’m just so glad there’s nothing scheduled for this week.

Hope your August was a bit more calm!

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