Easter was postponed

We postponed our first Easter dinner as a married couple. With good reason.

During the weekends, The Guy likes to get a couple of long bike rides in. Last weekend he biked 30km up a mountain while I drove up it just 30 minutes quicker. That’s how fast he is. Mind you, I did only end up going no faster than 25km/hr due to the fear factor of me not wanting to drive straight off the cliff. I felt so stomach sick, I was that terrified. The switchbacks were frequent, the roads were narrow. It took ages to get to the top.

But this time he was invited to go on a huge bike ride with a friend and he took the opportunity to do so.  I told him to go on and not worry about dinner because he works such long hours, I find that he doesn’t have as much fun as he should. Plus, we could have it the next night.

They went for 5+ hours with a group of cyclists and did some major ride around the area. When he came back he jumped in the shower for a quick scrub, then I drove him to downtown San Jose for an NHL Sharks game! I’m personally not into watching hockey on TV but if I’m there in person, I find it way more interactive, and entertaining. Unfortunately his co-worker’s friend couldn’t make it to the game and only had 1 ticket to spare. He asked The Guy if he wanted it, thus the rush for me to drive him downtown in time to make it to the game.

Monday night I ended up making our Easter dinner. I believe this was the tastiest Easter dinner I’ve ever had the pleasure of diving into. Gotta say, I am a pretty good cook when I want to be! Hashtag brag. Probably all thanks to my meat thermometer I got for Christmas. I can now leave stuff alone instead of constantly cutting into the meat and having the juices evaporate out of it and potentially ruining it.

Mid-cooking selfie.

easter dinnerI served up our plates with tons of cooked vegetables and delicious ham. I made scalloped potatoes, tri colour carrots (from Trader Joe’s), cauliflower, and broccoli. On the side we had spinach salads where I dumped anything and everything from the kitchen sink into it. Bell peppers, tomatoes, pecans, cucumber, cheese… I don’t even know what else. For dessert, simply cut up fresh pineapple and strawberries.

Easter DinnerI scarfed it down in no time. As you would. I posted two pictures of the same meal, different angles. Am I a food blogger now? Just kidding :)

So there you have it, a little postponed, but still pretty special. We had leftovers for days. I hate leftovers.

Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you how I did something completely out of my comfort zone the other day! No cheating, if you already know :)

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Hoppy Easter!

Usually every Easter I have a plan to spend time with family members or friends. But this Easter there’s nada whole lot going on! I’m not entirely sure what I’ll cook for supper, but you better believe these taste buds are going to enjoy whatever I buy, or make. I’m pretty stoked. Ha ha! Will it be a mini ham? A roast chicken? Or a McDonalds trip? Who knows. Have to figure that out pretty soon, I think stores are closed today and Sunday.

Last year I drove up north to visit some family members, but Easter just came out of nowhere this year so there isn’t a real plan in place.

Since we got today off (being that it’s Good Friday), I contemplated going to do a bit of shopping in Toronto but I’m not up to fighting my way through traffic on long weekends. Stores are probably closed though.

I do know some people who are going to down to Hershey Pennsylvania in the states to do a bit of shopping. How fun does that sound? I’ve personally never been there but they were asking me to go with them, and even sent me a link to the hotel they were thinking of staying at. Not sure if they ended up with this one or not, but it looks pretty decent seeing how it receives 92% in great reviews. Mind you, it’s only 12 people, but still — pretty good ratings at that.

hersheylodge2This is the hershey lodge suites. Looks like the perfect little hotel for cozying up on a chilly Easter weekend after punching in long hours at the shopping outlets :)

Have you ever been shopping in Hershey, Pennsylvania?

What are your Easter plans?

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