I had an emotionally exhausting week. All I can say is that it was bitter-sweet in the sense that I got things off my chest that was built up, and in quite a professional matter. I was surprised at myself at how I presented myself in that situation. I feel like a more confident person because of what’s been going on. Due to privacy issues I won’t get into details, but a few people have stated that they are proud of the accomplishments I’ve created for myself over the past few months. I’m very proud of standing my ground, and won’t let things go unnoticed. That was the “sweet part”.

As for the bitter part, which I really do dislike talking about, and try not to often but; My Dad has go to back on chemotherapy. Even though he’s had a quite a long break from the “rat poison” as he sometimes refers to it as, it was “expected” but we had hoped that it wouldn’t turn out that way. Regardless of that, he’s a pretty chipper, laid back ol’ Daddio and he’ll do what he has to do. Just wish I wasn’t a three hour flight away from visiting them. Sometimes you’d just like to be there, you know?

I’m ready for the Family Day long weekend, let’s bring it on. I won’t be blogging until Tuesday, so don’t expect anything on Monday — ha ha!

ootwwSorry, no “Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable” post this week since no one submitted anything and I didn’t want to go digging for something to just post.

If you’re in a province where you have Family Day — then have a great long weekend!

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OOTWW & Triple F Friday #16

I’ve decided to do a little something new with my outfits of the work week. Let me know if you like this style better, or if you prefer that I go back to the other way. I think you can see more detail in my outfit from Wednesday-Friday.

ootwwI’m still working on trying to figure out the new camera that I got for Christmas from the Boyf. I had to photoshop every image this morning, to brighten it up. Especially the bathroom photos. It’s a lot of work! I don’t know if I should go back to my old camera for my OOTD posts or not…

Before I get into Triple F Friday I want to tell you about Vine app (more info) that I now use on my iPad. It’s the coolest thing ever and right now I can only find it in the apps under iPhone. So download it if you have it, and add me under spiffykerms! It’s a six second movie you can film, pause and it pastes it all together to make . For instance, I had no idea you weren’t supposed to stir Chobani greek yogurt. Just fold it over. Huh! I only have one video up right now since it’s difficult to film on the iPad as it is much more chunkier. Ah, just go download it :)

farapartfxCara shows us all how to get perfectly groomed eyebrows, no matter how messed up they may be! I need this. I keep taking chunks off the top of my eyebrows when I wax them at home. Oops.

megsphotoMeg did Thankful Thursday on her blog yesterday. Meg, oh boy — I am also thankful that this week we could get rid of our winter jackets for a day or two. It was soo nice!

panko chickenAly from The Newlywed Life cooks up a delicious supper the other night. Doesn’t this sound amazing? “Panko crusted, ricotta and spinach stuffed chicken” She also had mashed cauliflower with it. I’ve yet to try that – in fact I may end up mashing some of my cauliflower into the potatoes I plan on mashing up this weekend. Girl has also got some style too. Love her blog, give her a follow or comment!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course
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It’s going to take me years to get used to this new camera of mine. YEARS.

The OOTWW still looks the same as it did last week. I got fed up fiddling with the white balance, and the flash intensity that I just said screw it, for now.

ootwwAs for the weekly Triple F Friday feature I’ve submitted Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable people to be on my blog! Check them out :)

Morgan, always hilarious with her blog posts. She doesn’t update as often any more but when she does — I wait until I have a quiet moment to myself to thoroughly read her posts. Not a post goes by that I don’t crack a smile, or even let out an embarrassingly loud “HA HA”. Tuesday she wrote why she doesn’t make new years resolutions.

Sarah, a fellow FitFluential blogger teaches us how to “un-sick” yourself with her home remedy.

Josephine, another FitFluential ambassador has a great post up this week: “Don’t be that runner

Clare is making the most of long distance relationships. A cool gift she got the BF to keep it exciting! (Side note: The Boyf and I did long distance for a full year before I moved here to Ontario.)

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course
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