Climbing in Newfoundland

The next few posts on my blog are going to be quite photo heavy. I’m about to bombard you with pictures from my trip back home to Newfoundland.

Let’s dive right on in b’ys! The first day that I was home I didn’t do too much besides hang out with family, especially my little nephews. That night I got a text from one of my climbing buddies asking me to go outdoor climbing with them by the Manuel’s River. I had never been there before, so I decided to go out for a climb!

I’m not one for outdoor climbing. I don’t have any certification to set up lead or anchors. But I’ll gladly top rope. So that’s exactly what I did.

Lori, me and Kerry getting ready to hike in.


We hiked in the trail about 30 minutes or so, along this muddy, overflown trail. I borrowed some shoes from Lori ;) since I didn’t bring any hikers home. Thanks buddyhiking the trail

This was Lori’s second climb of the day and I wanted to belay her on lead. Chalking up to top rope.climb5 climb7 climb10

High fives throughout the day for the awesome climbing day!climb12

I went up after Lori lead the climb and set the anchors. It was my first time ‘cleaning’ the route, which meant taking off all the quick draws so you’re only left with an anchor at the top for top roping.

Tyin’ in and making faces.IMG_0025

 Sweet moses. It’s been YEARS since I climbed outside. Over 8…climb1

Here we go, cleaning the route:


Apparently it was only a 5.6 but I made it much more difficult, haha.


Scared here.climb13 climb14

Almost to the top. 60 feet.climb16 climb15 climb13

Hellooooo up there!climb17  All the gear safe back on my harness. IMG_0055

I climbed twice more (or maybe just once?) after that climb. One was a 5.9 which I really liked because sections of it were difficult, and others were quite nice and ‘easy’.

Someone brought a dog. I’m obsessed with dogs.lol2

So that’s that! An outdoor climbing adventure a few days before Canada Day. Such a fun (and scary) time. climb20 Tomorrow I’ll be back with more photos from my vacation.

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 2 Week 14)

I felt so strong at CrossFit last week. Paleo is definitely helping me get stronger. I was going up in (lifting) weight like nobodies business!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 14, day 1

EMOM 10 (Every minute on the minute for 10 mins)
1 power clean + 1 squat clean to thruster

What I used: For the first few rounds I did 70lbs, then I ended up putting on 2.5lb plates on making it 75lbs for the last few! Thrusters were the hardest. But I love power clean and thrusters/push-presses, so it was a pretty good WOD.

400m run
25 pushups

What I completed: I did 3 full rounds, did another 400m run and 13 pushups. So close to finishing the 4th round.


year 2, week 14, day 2

KB swing
KB lunges
KB overhead situps

I used a 12kg weight, and finished in 17:43!


year 2, week 14, day 3

Every other minute (loads of rest!)
10 minutes / 5 rounds
1 deadlift
2 hang clean (power or squat)
3 front squats

I used 75lbs for the first three rounds, and then bumped it to 80lbs for the last two!!

-Rest 3 minutes-

12 toes to bar
12 KB snatch 12 burpees

I did three full rounds, then did the 12 T2b, 12 KB snatches and 8 more burpees.

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30 day Paleo Challenge winners

Earlier Saturday afternoon I headed in to finally find out the 30 day Paleo Challenge that I completed at my local CrossFit box. There were over 30 people who took the challenge this year and our coach told us that it was a tight race for winning spots this year.

Seven paleo ‘competitors’ (4 women, and 3 men) made it to the announcing of the winners on Saturday. The coach took the first half hour and explained how he measured everyone’s successes and that he was impressed by everyone who took it upon themselves to do this 30 day challenge.

There were all sorts of prizes on the table for the winners and some door prizes to be drawn randomly.

I was starting to get a stomach ache and be a ball of nerves as he was stretching out the time, and not telling us who had placed yet. JEEZE.

Finally he started announcing the females placing starting with third and announced the inches she had lost, and the body fat percentage. It wasn’t me. I high fived her for getting third. Then, coach named off second place with her numbers – again, it wasn’t me. First place rolls around. He said my name. Then the inches I had lost, the pounds I had lost, and my body fat percentage change. I grinned but inside I was jumping up and down.

I GOT FIRST PLACE! It was a great feeling to put my mind to the Paleo challenge and come out with some great numbers along with some great prizes.

The numbers speak for themselves:


That above is how I did compared to the other women and men in the challenge. Their before numbers (like weight, for instance) was not included for privacy reasons, since I grabbed this off our very own CrossFit website. I don’t think many people would like their numbers published.

First place folks ended up getting some crazy prizes. I ended up with:  paleo-first-prize

  • Junk headband (popular amongst CrossFitters and they were at the Regionals last weekend)
  • $100 RMT massage with a girl who I’ve known at CrossFit for a few years
  • a CrossFit tee
  • $100 gift card to the local mall

Awesome hey? A few people at my CrossFit gym were asking how I did so well considering I’m already “so small”. I wasn’t kidding around when I told people my belly was the same size as my boob size from the start, that and the fact my diet consisted of a lot of candy, McDonalds and soda.

Everyone had to keep track of their food log which also had my sleep schedule, workouts for the 30 days, goals we wanted to achieve, the water intake at each meal, and the exact time I ate.paleo-book

It was pretty precise and I was so meticulous about carrying it around everywhere I went. Every. Where. I swear if I worked at toyota parts they’d love me for making such a detailed book of my entire month. It was nice seeing Coach C write a little bit on the back page for me:paleo-coach

Hard work pays off.

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