Fun fitness gear

Throwback Thursday or #TBT as the hashtags all circulate around instagram today.

On my lunch break on Tuesday, I headed to the mall and stopped into one of my favorite stores: H&M. I don’t know how often they get stock, but they seem to have an abundance of it very frequently. Thus, me never tiring of visiting the store, and browsing. I picked up this orange hoody on a whim and tried it on. Wednesday morning I wore it to work since I had a silky also from H&M “mullet-like” blouse which I snagged for $4.95 the previous weekend. I wore the hoody to keep warm on my drive to work and as soon as I put it on on, I realized I looked a lot like a photo that was taken when I was a toddler, with my Mom.then-vs-now

Hence the ‘Then vs Now‘ throwback post today. I got a good chuckle out of it, and e-mailed the picture to my Mommy. Heh. My style hasn’t changed since I was a kid, so it seems.

lululemon-swiftly-tech-tankOn the other hand I received a shipment from Lululemon, yesterday. Big spender over here buying two new tanks for CrossFit! In fact, I wore the purple one last night.

So many exciting clothes to wear to CrossFit and working out. This week has been a bonanza of products.#WhatsBeautiful Campaign

SportChek sent along a nice thick Under Armour Studio Lux Jacket for me to wear while I get my sweat on, or just wear walking Alfie around in the park during the nights as it cools down a bit. However, the nights are getting pretty sweltering around here and I can’t even sleep with the duvet on top of me. It’s just that warm. So I’ll be using the zip up for the cooler days. Nice huh?

Time to get a killer workout in, with that jacket.
Under Armour

Under Armour sent along a surprise parcel, thanks to the #WhatsBeautiful campaign and sponsorship with me being a FitFluential Ambassador. It absolutely blew my mind me when I opened it. Gratitude is the attitude!

Check back tomorrow for another blog post about the #WhatsBeautiful Campaign. I’m excited to share more info with you, along with my favorite Under Armour

See ya tomorrow, friends!

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 2, week 11)

Holy smokes. 5 days of CrossFit this week. In a row! I’m resting my middle finger because I tweaked it while I was bouldering a few months ago. Didn’t let it heal, and it’s bugging me a bit so I’m giving it a rest. Going on week 2 without climbing, I’m missing it! I can already tell my finger isn’t healed just yet, so I may end up volunteering at the climbing gym, just so I don’t forget to go back lol. Know what I mean?


The short:

Sunday — Rest
Monday —
Tuesday — CrossFit
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — CrossFit
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday— Rest

The long:


year 2, week 11, day one

SWOD: Back Squats
5×2 (75% to start)
* 3 second pause at bottom

What I completed: 80-80-85-85-90lbs

WOD 21-15-9
Burpee over box jumps (20″)
Wall balls (14kg)

What I completed: Finished the WOD in 9:17 and used a 12kg for the wall balls



year 2, week 11, day two

4 x 3 strict pullups with 3 sec descend
max efforts chest to bar
What I completed:
  • 3 strict, 7 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 5 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 2 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 5 unbroken kips

WOD (16 minute time limit)

50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar
50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar
50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar

What I completed: The first round I did 150 single skips and ended up trying out for the 50 DU’s the second round. Which was WAY easier, and WAY faster. I love it!! I completed the WOD in 12:59


year 2, week 11, day three

Halting Deadlifts
(3 second pause right above the knees)
What I completed: 75-75-85
1 Hang clean + Squat
2 Lateral burpees
2 Hang clean + Squat
3 Lateral burpees
3Hang clean + Squat
4 Lateral burpees
4Hang clean + Squat
and so on…

What I completed: I got to 8 lateral burpees, then was going for my 8 hand clean + squats, and got 1 before the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 11, day four

“Holbrook” (30 minute time limit)
10 rounds

5 thrusters (115/80)
10 pullups
100m sprint
*Rest 1 minute

What I did: I used 55lbs and used a black band for the 50 pullups. I completed the WOD in 28:26


year 2, week 11, day five

Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes:
1 Hang Clean
1 Halting Deadlift
1 Power Clean

What I completed: I used 70lbs for the first 5 rounds and ended up bumping my weight to 75lbs for the last bit since I thought it was “too easy”!! HA!!

5 rounds (14 minute time limit)
10 spyder pushups
15 hollow rocks
20 flutter kicks
30 second plank unbroken

My time: 11:08



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My CrossFit Journal (Year 2, week 10)


The short:

Sunday — Bouldering
Monday —
Tuesday — Bouldering
Wednesday — N/A
Thursday — CrossFit
Friday — N/A
The long:


year 2, week 9, day one



year 2, week 9, day two

 SWOD: Back squat
What I did: 55lbs-75lbs-X-75lbs-85lbs-105lbs

10 OH squats
200m run

What I did: Used 35lb bar and did 4 rounds + 5 OH squats


year 2, week 9, day three

Went bouldering on my birthday!


year 2, week 9, day four

“Michael” 25 minute time limit
3 rounds
800m run
50 good mornings
50 sit ups

What I completed: Used a 35lb bar and did the three full rounds in exactly 25 minutes



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