Beautiful You

Growing up, I never thought I wasn’t beautiful. Not to say that I had high self esteem or was conceited. There was never any self doubt in my head that I was “ugly” or “not pretty enough”. I was a painfully shy kid, especially around strangers. But put me in front of someone who I’m comfortable with and I’ll be the class clown, who tries to make you laugh.

I went to an all girls catholic school, and I was still that tom boy who climbed tree’s and ate sandwiches inside kitchen cupboards with my little dude friends.

I even cut my hair like a boy, so I could be more like my older brother. You can’t exactly tell from this photo since it was from a Halloween. Let’s just visualize it.bunny 2

I remember one instance where I dressed up like a boy, smeared some mud on my face and walked over two houses, and asked in a deeper boy voice if my Brother could play street hockey with them because he dared made me.

Now that I’m older, and grown up I’ve vowed to never cut my hair short ever again. In fact, I remember I was mistaken for a boy on more than one occasion as a kid. I’m still a tom boy at heart because I’m still so very athletic. It wasn’t until my late twenties where I turned into a girls girl. I never went to a hair salon, I never got my nails done or wore skirts and pretty tops.

Over the past few years I’ve developed into the perfect blend of me. I love getting pedicures and then cramming them into climbing shoes just hours later. I love going for spa massages and then going out and setting up a bonfire with my scrappy jeans and hoodies the same night. I love my life right now, and where I am.

I may not be a pro athlete but I’m being the best me that I can be, and I think that’s beautiful.

You may remember last year I had the opportunity to work with Under Armour, thanks to a sponsored FitFluential campaign. Well it’s back with a vengeance. Below are the women who won the What’s Beautiful campaign last year. UA

I ask that you join me in an 8 week challenge to redefine the female athlete. You do not have to be a professional whatsoever. This competition is for the every day woman.

Push yourself harder to get motivated and get after your goals you’ve set up for yourself. It doesn’t even have to be fitness related. It can be mental, emotional or physical. Make your goals a reality.

  • Want to start eating healthier?
  • Work out more?
  • Quit biting your nails?

Join me and everyone else in the Under Armour What’s Beautiful community and encourage all women of all backgrounds who try an empower themselves.

View my What’s Beautiful profile, and follow me once you’re ready to sign up.

How to sign up:

  1. Sign up on the What’s Beautiful website to create a page
  2. Come up with a goal for yourself. It can be as vague or specific as you’d like. Short-term or long-term goals welcome.
  3. Upload your challenges. It shows that you’re working towards, or have completed an achieved goal. The entire What’s Beautiful community can see these goals on your page so that’s extra motivation, they can help you achieve them and cheer you on.


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The Results of Paleo

Alright. Here I am. Braving everything I have. Those who have an issue with me posting my mid section can just shag right off, I say.

It took a lot of guts to post these vulnerable photos of myself on my website for the entire web to see. The results of my 30 day paleo challenge from April 7 – May 7. Ohhhhh boy.

My backside before and after.before-after-back-s

The side view before and after. This one is more ‘impressive’ to me because you can see the shorts being ill fitting on my bum and legs. In the after photo they’re much looser._s

Now don’t be stealin’ any of my bod pictures for any fancy postcard printing ya hear? ha ha ha. I kid.

You may notice I haven’t posted a frontal photo. That’s because I didn’t think it was that impressive. Sure you could see results but in the after photo you could still see love handles. My stomach was more “cut” looking, but other than that I’ll keep that picture to myself for now.

The numbers don’t lie, that’s for sure. I was absolutely shocked when I heard the results as I was getting measured at 3:30pm yesterday.I think the coach that measured me was also very surprised. He swore a little when I told him my “before” numbers, and seemed impressed.

Before: 128.4
After: 119.4
Difference: 9 pounds lost

Before: 34″
After: 29.5″

Before: 39″
After: 36.25″
Difference: 7.25″ lost off my waist & butt.

I worked out a minimum of 5 days a week for those 30 days. Saturday & Sunday were rest days. But the last Sunday I went climbing, making it 6x/week. Basically I went to CrossFit: Mon, Wed, Fri and climbing on Tues & Thurs’s.

May 18 we find out who “wins” the challenge at the local CrossFit box. I’m feeling pessimistic (as I always seem to do about those type of situations). But hey I think everyone is a winner in my books, who was successful with the 30 day challenge whether or not they cheated. Which I did not. I truly wanted to see what my body was fully capable of in those set amount of days.

My clothes all fit differently. I have to wear a belt most days with my pants and if I don’t I feel like I’m hiking them up off my arse all day long. That and when I wear work out clothes I feel like I stare in admiration at my mid section the whole time. I’m really liking it.

Yesterday and today on the other hand was full of non paleo eats. Will I continue the paleo diet for life? No.  But I will certainly cut back on the amount of sugar I intake. Meaning, I’ll try to eat mostly paleo throughout the weekdays and on weekends have whatever I like in moderation.

I mean, there’s an ice cream birthday cake to be eaten, after-all. Right? Can’t let that go to waste.

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Paleo chicken strips

Welcome to May folks. My birthday month is here, and what better way to start it off with one of my favorite types of food. A chicken recipe. Paleo chicken strips, in fact.

plate-it-upWell doesn’t that look scrump-diddly-umptious? Would you believe it’s paleo and incredibly easy to make?

Paleo-Chicken-stripsThis is the second time (in one week) I’ve made these paleo chicken strips because they’re that easy and absolutely delicious. I’d like to pat myself on the back saying that they’re even restorative quality.

Alright, let’s just get right to it. The two photos below are cell phone quality, and I apologize in advance. They’re not pretty to look at but you get the jist.


  • Chicken strips
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • shredded (or medium) coconut with your favorite seasonings.

The seasonings I always end up using are my typical ones: thyme, Italian, lemon pepper and garlic. Mix it all together with the coconut. Then start dipping your chicken in the egg, and into the coconut and place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper.  ingredients

Cook those suckers for 25-30 minutes at 350° and for the last few minutes, turn the oven on broil and blast those suckers. Just to brown the coconut up a bit more. rolled up waiting to go in oven

Take them out of the oven and boom, they’ll look like this on your plate. paleo-chicken-nuggets

Oh hey, there’s me. Waiting to dig into the gourmet meal on the gorgeous day we had last Sunday evening. Patio weather!

me-eating-on-patioThink you’ll make them? Let me know if you’ve tried them.

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