Types of shoes to wear to CrossFit


Gotta say you guys, I’m eyein the Reebok nano’s.

pink nike freesMy hot pink nike free’s I purchased on eBay for my birthday the other year are not quite fit for the garbage, but eventually they will be. Which disappoints me since I love wearing them. They’ve been my go-to CrossFit shoe for almost two years.zootsI have a pair of Zoots that I also like to wear but recently I’ve been eyeing the Reebok Nano’s, designed for CrossFitters like myself. I’m hitting the two year mark at CrossFit at the end of the month (February 2011 I first joined!), and I’m thinking of giving the pink, or yellow one’s a try.

Have to say though, the look of the Reebok CrossFit shoes are just appealing to my eyes and I want them. Pink immediately stuck out to me, then the yellow. You’re not limited to the pink or yellow either. On the Reebok site there is a rainbow of colors to choose from. One of my CrossFit coaches has these in purple.

Did you know that there is proper footwear to wear to CrossFit?

  • Too much cushioning in a regular running shoe isn’t the most favourable for getting your lifting technique down pat. 
  • You’ll lose balance on cushioned shoes thus being unstable on the ground when you lift heavier weights. Meaning if you wear minimalistic shoes you’ll get better technique since you know where your heels are when you do certain movements. Having the knowledge and and pressure of where your feet are you can improve your form and technique.
  • Not only lose balance, but strength too since you’re pushing into the soles of your shoes, and not into your heels to the ground.

Sure I’m serious about going to CrossFit, but I don’t consider myself a hardcore CrossFit athlete. I get excited when I can RX a wod. So I’m not looking for the perfect weight lifting minimalistic shoe. Just looking for a comfortable one that I can wear outside running (less than 6km) and also to CrossFit but not too minimal to the point where I can feel pebbles under my feet.

Now if only I was sponsored by Reebok Canada. That’d be sweet, ha!

I posted this image on Facebook a while ago, and the consensus was that I should go for the yellow nano’s. What do you guys think?

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Spend a day in my shoes

I’ve always loved “A Day In The Life” blog posts, where a blogger documents basically everything s/he does throughout the run of a day. It was difficult to remember to document it all, and I felt like I was wasting time writing stuff down, especially in the morning. So here we go, a day in the life of me from last Tuesday January 22, 2013:

ootd clothes6:55a — alarm goes off, pop out of bed. Let Alfie out of his crate & feed him immediately in the den. I take my clothes that I plan to wear that day, from the bedroom to the washroom.

6:59a — Shower.

7:13a — Hop out, dry off. Stand around and do nothing for a bit. (I’m very tired, lazy and clumsy in the morning)

7:23a — Get dressed.

7:26a — Deodorant time. Thought you should know every detail ;)

combing wet hair7:27a — Comb hair & clip back to air dry.

7:29a — Brush teeth.

7:31a — Head to living room & hang out with Alfie. Play on iPad (reading blogs, checking e-mail, checking instagram)

makeup7:47a — Wash hands, do makeup.

7:53a — Chase Alfie in the other room to shush him from barking at people in the hallway. Put hair serum in hair.

hair stuff7:57a — Wash hands, dry hair.

8:09a — Feelin’ pale. Slap on some bronzer.

8:10a — Put accessories on, and put on a blazer.

8:13a — Take OOTWW photo.

8:17a —Pack snacks for work.

Alfie cuddles8:18a — Play fetch/cuddle with Alfie (he’s yawning in the photo), play on iPad again. Multi-tasker.

omg its so cold8:40a — Leave apartment bundled up.

negative something outSide note. Omg it’s -15 outside lol

groceries before work9:01a — Grabbin’ some groceries.

9:28a — Arrive at work.

breakfast at work9:35a — Have breakfast at work.

banana snack11:18a — Snack!

lunch1:33p — Lunch time. This was a frozen dinner, and best kind. However it was riddled with onions and I had to pick them off pre-microwave.

apple snack3:23p — Apple snack. Get annoyed at myself that I didn’t put it in the fridge. So warm. Much better chilled.

5:02p — Ate a pineapple flavored life saver candy.

5:52p — Get home. Put groceries in fridge. Start grill for chicken.

crossfit clothes5;55p — Change clothes for CrossFit.

6:03p — Put chicken on grill.

6:06p — Clean up kitchen.

pack for crossfit6:08p — Pack for CrossFit. (Need to bring asthma inhaler, sneakers, purse and water)

asthma inhaler6:09p — Take two puffs of my asthma inhaler. I look so happy to be doing this lol. I was pressed for time. No time for re-takes.

water bottle6:10p — Fill up water bottle.

leave house6:14p — Put on winter coat, stand around and wait for my chicken to cook. Put it in a tupperware container and head out the door.

6:29p — Arrive at CrossFit. Do WOD that made me nearly cry. My wrists killed during the front squats.

7:57p — Arrive home.

make supper8:00p — Turn on computer for twitter party! Start cooking supper. Thank myself for cutting up veggies the night before.

eat supper8:18p — Eat & Tweet.

take vitamins8:21p — Can’t forget my vitamins, with my iPad glowing on my lap ;)

8:32p — Finish supper, tweet ( #FeelBetterFL represent!)

9:09p — Jump in shower to warm up, and to de-stankify myself.

make bed9:20p — Make bed with fresh sheets.

9:31p — Head to bed with iPad and read blogs until I’m tired.

10:17p — Put the iPad down and get some beauty rest ;)

Gotta be honest you guys. I don’t eat this healthy all the time. In fact, I stocked up on some fresh fruits while I was out the other night so you wouldn’t know that I ate CANDY for snacks throughout my day. Oops. Though, I did feel awesome the next day. So maybe I should probably cut down on the candy consumption…

Hope you enjoyed the post!

What does your daily routine look like?

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