My CrossFit Journal (1 Year, Week 39)

As soon as I hit day 30 on November 30, I thought all went downhill. I wasn’t doing my push-ups when I first woke up any more, and dreading them all day long. December 3rd came around and I had 33 to do. I don’t know what happened but I managed to get 21 done in a row at once, took a break and did the rest. Guess I’m getting my second wind. But then I spoke too soon. Each morning before I do them my arms just ache thinking of getting them done. It’s SO hard. I just completed day 40, this morning. Rough stuff.

This was an AMAZING workout week. So much accomplished, and I felt so strong (except in spin… but you’ll read why shortly…)

The short:

M – Spin class(+ 33 pushups)
T – CrossFit (+ 34 pushups)
W – Soccer (+ 35 pushups)
Th – CrossFit (+ 36 pushups)
F – Rest Day (+ 37 pushups)
S – 6.02km run (+ 38 pushups)
S –
Rest Day (+39 pushups)


year 1, week 39, day 1.

I had a plan to go with my co-worker to her local gym to incorporate more yoga into my routine. I’ve missed it, and wanted to do it a few times per month. Instead of shelling out the money for another gym membership it I decided to be her guest at her gym just go get my “fix”. That was, until she made a change of plans and decided we’d do spin class instead.

I remember why I never got into spin. It hurts so bad. Do you gals have callused ‘ginas?! Honest go my God, it was brutal.  The backs of my hands and arms (not palms) were drenched. That and the fact that my breathing was getting a little out of control. Keeping up with the class was impossible, since it was my first spin class in a few years. I had to tame the resistance down, often. That is one sport I will never get into. I have absolutely zero interest in spin class, or biking hard at all for that matter. Let me tell ya. It wasn’t enjoyable, haha. I nearly left my supper at the gym. It was hard.

I don’t understand how people can put themselves through that kinda pain. Is that normal? I mean, my co-worker felt like she was in pain too. You must end up getting numb somehow, or calloused like I said, hahahahaha.

I quote my co-worker when I told her about the ‘gina pain I was having.

Her response: I’m actually tearing I’m laughing so hard!! V’jay was in pain! Not normal! I thought I was bleeding at one point. Just sweat. Like a hot wedding in Toronto. I was planning my run to either the sink in that room, or the bathroom! Just when I thoguht I was good with my cardio, a spin bike came along and slapped me in the crotch.


year 1, week 39, day 2

In January I started waking up really early in order to incorporate morning workouts. That failed miserably. I’m not a morning person.

I had every intention to start going to CrossFit before work. I just would never get dressed and drive there. I went in the morning once. I noticed that I was weaker, and more clumsier than usual, and just feel much more energetic after work. I would always set my alarm for 6am, eat, get ready for work and just hang out on the couch with Alfie for a few before heading into work for 9:30.

I don’t know what changed. But on Monday morning I had an appointment at the mechanic’s to get my winter tires put on. I woke up at 6:36am (precisely…) and got all ready for work and arrived at the mechanics for 8am with my Starbucks in hand. Only after the fact that I conditioned my hair, and shampooed the ends. It was Monday alright.

The reason I decided to go in the morning this week was because I knew I’d be busy on Monday with my co-worker at her gym, and the Boyf and I had planned on seeing SkyFall on Tuesday night. I didn’t want to be exhausted during the movie, plus I missed an entire week last week due to me taking a break.

So Tuesday (being day 2 of my workout schedule) I woke up at 6:00am and headed in for a 7am WOD at my CrossFit box.

The prescribed WOD:

5 rounds
50 Double-unders
10 Push jerk; 185/135lbs
Rest 1 minute

Since I can’t do many double-unders in a row I stuck to burpees. My WOD looked like this:

5 rounds
15 burpees
10 Push jerk; 65lbs
Rest 1 minute

I think we had 20 minutes, or 10 minutes (should’ve written this the day of..) for the WOD and I know I was on the 4th round when the buzzer went off.

My wrists were feeling sore during the WOD so one of the coaches noticed, and half way through he taped up my wrist for me, and it felt a million times better!


year 1, week 39, day 3

Wednesday night was soccer. I think we won. Clearly I’m not involved mentally in soccer this year. I don’t want to say “I can’t wait til it’s over” because I do enjoy it while I’m there. Just not when I think about it. Know what I mean? No one really passes it to me, and when they do it’s been so long since I’ve had the ball that I fumble and mess up the play. Not the most fun time.  When soccer stops, I’ll be moving my CrossFit to Wednesdays and incorporating more climbing.


year 1, week 39, day 4

One of the warmups was pretty speedy. 45 seconds for each, with no breaks in between. Or maybe there was a few seconds. I don’t remember. Either way, it was breathless and speedy. My FAVORITE!

45 seconds of as many burpees as you can
45 seconds of alternating supermans
45 seconds of overhead squats with the PVC bar

How’d I do?

13 burpees 45 supermans and 20 overhead squats. Not too shabby… I felt so fast doing the burpees lol.

Then was the second part of the warmup:

Pendlay Row
Bench Press

I ended up doing 75lbs for both.  I’m telling you. The Pushup Challenge is making me so strong!

This is my “I’m happy I bench pressed 75lbs twice in a row” and I could’ve kept adding weight but we ran out of time in the warm up and had to do the WOD.


year 1, week 39, day 5

I had to do a solo run this weekend sans coach. So I loaded up my iPod with some songs and off I went.

I ended up running an out and back route which was 6.02km with a minor bit of elevation. I only stopped once at the turnaround point and that was because I wanted to catch my breath due to the spring I did from one light pole til the next. It was a fantastic run. I hid my watch underneath my sleeves so I wouldn’t worry about my time. I wanted to stop a few times, so instead I remembered what my coach told me to do – just slow down instead. I felt like I was doing a shuffle, but at least I wasn’t walking. Towards the end (since it’s more of a downhill towards there) I felt really good, I was even smiling at random strangers on the run.

I honestly thought it was going to be a slow run, in the higher 40 minute mark. I started getting anxious when I saw my apartment building. Whenever I see finish lines my heart races and I want to sprint fast. So I slowed it down again and when I was about 200m away from “the finish line” I sprinted hard and fast (uphill) to my apartment. I looked down at my watch and saw I did the 6k in 36:05. I took ANOTHER 20 seconds off my time from last week!

I text messaged my coach, while I was still breathless when I got up to the apartment and told him what I had done. He actually called me, to hear my excitement. It was such an amazing feeling. I did this run back in the summer, a few minutes slower – and to know that I’m taking 20 seconds off my time from last week, and a whole minute off my pace from 2 weeks ago (if I’m getting this right) … it just makes me not want to ever stop running again. I’m really starting to enjoy it now that I can control my breathing with the asthma inhaler, a coach, and some breathing techniques.

Bring on the distance running!


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CrossFit isn’t for everyone…but it IS for me.

People love to hate on CrossFit since it’s such a “hardcore workout” and people are “prone to injury”. I love to argue the fact that it’s whatever you make it.

Feeling like poop? Don’t go. Or, if you do want to go workout, you don’t have to go full tilt on every damn workout. I sure as heck don’t. You don’t have to get better each time you do a deadlift, or a pushpress. There are plenty of times where I’m feeling sluggish when I head into CrossFit and I’m just not feeling it, so I don’t lift as heavy, I don’t go as hard, or as fast.

It drives me nuts when people comment (not here) saying that so many people get injured because of it.

Well let me tell you something. CrossFit isn’t for everyone.

Neither is hockey.

Neither is running.

Neither is cooking in the kitchen, for fear of chopping a finger off!

Do you get what I’m saying? There’s a reason CrossFit classes are small. There’s only one coach who is with you the entire class, walking around looking at people’s form. Making sure everyone is doing the correct movements, and if they’re not — you’ll get fixed and shown how to do the workout properly without getting injured.

I took TWELVE days off CrossFit, because I tweaked my shoulder. Due to me doing improper pushups. On November 1st, I went back to CrossFit and told my coach what was going on. He took me aside while everyone was doing the warm up before the WOD and showed me how to keep my shoulders pinched, my abs in, and do them off my knees instead. Now, 35 days later my shoulder feels fine and I’m still going strong on the 50 day pushup challenge.

There’s passion here, can’t you tell?  ;)

So yeah. CrossFit may not be for everyone. My former running buddy-turned friend (who just had a baby by the way!)  was the one who introduced me to CrossFit in February 2011, she actually decided to stop going to CrossFit altogether. It’s just not her thing any more.


Please. Don’t bash it til you try it. Then, hate on it all you want and go do the sports you love.


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Holiday Gift Guide 2012

This is my very first Holiday Gift Guide I’ve ever done on the blog! It was so fun (and a lot of work) to put together for you guys. In fact, I have a few goodies to give away to you all as well. The items that will be up for grabs are: Rubbermaid Bathroom Cleaning Tools, KQC mini hair straightener, EOS lip balms, and 10 free product coupons from Maple Leaf Canada. The giveaways will be all separate blog posts and will be up shortly, so watch out for them!

ONE: I have these and I have to say it’s so nice to have a nice heavy duty scrubber on the end of a stick! The Rubbermaid Bathroom Cleaning Tools make it easier to clean the shower walls, and even floors (with a different “head”) than a mop, or with your hands. I will be giving away this whole set, valued at $50.00 soon!

TWO: This $6.99 notepad is perfect for making organizational lists, to-do lists, or even a grocery list. Nothing brings me more joy than checking off what I’ve accomplished for the day.

THREE: Have one of those people that you have absolutely no idea what to buy for them, this year? This Maxpedition Neatfreak Organizer is just that. A fantastic organizing pack for the neat freak!

ONE: I absolutely love a stylish but functional sneaker, and you can get the Nike Free’s or Zoot’s at Sport Chek. Zoots are primarily for triathlons, as they’re made to be worn sans socks and have no laces for the ease and quick ability of putting them on during a race. But I wear mine to CrossFit.

TWO: Gortex Gaiters are a great addition to anyone who likes walking/hiking in the snow, or rain. They’re basically rain fabric that secures onto your shoe and leg. I gave the Boyfriend a pair of these for his birthday last year. They range anywhere from $30-$60 and you can get them in various heights.

THREE: Refuel with Balance Bars! Unfortunately these protein bars still aren’t available to Canadians. But if you’re ever across the border, buy them (for me). My favorite flavor is S’mores and it tastes like it should be bad for you. But it’s perfect to refuel after a hard workout.

FOUR: La Sportiva Katana climbing shoes. I’m in need of a pair of these and I’ve been eyeing them for a few years. Mine had a 5 year break in between moving from Newfoundland to Ontario, but I’d estimate my shoes to be about 8 years old now. 5 years overdue I say. La Sportiva are my favorite, because of the amazing quality of their rubber soles.

ONE: I purchased a PlayStation Vita – WiFi for the Boyfriend’s birthday this year, and I think it’s a great gift if you have the money to shell out for it! It’s a small handheld device that recently came out, and even I play it sometimes. My boss even purchased one!

TWO: Memory cards are something everyone needs but everyone hates to spend the money on. At least I do always get too lazy to dump photos and videos onto my computer to back them up, so I end up with countless memory cards laying around, all filled up with memories.

THREE: It is so hard to find a unique, but cute looking iPad case. I’m still using the one I purchased from Best Buy when I bought my iPad last summer. It’s white, and faux leather. I want something with a bitta bling, or a nice distinct look to it. I thought these iPad cases were nice, but they are $100+. Ouch.

ONE: The Vintage Revival Flap Clutch is a very sophisticated and classic looking wallet that can you can also use as a clutch!

TWO: Fossil watches! Womens shown in the Stella which is a stainless steel, and affordable at $115. The Men’s shown is the Nate Stainless Steel in Smoke, and retails for $145. Such great pieces.

THREE: Cozy scarf from Etsy!

ONE: This is the tiniest hair straightener I’ve ever seen! It’s the KQC mini hair straightener — perfect for on the go travellers, or people who don’t straighten their hair often, and just require a little assistance in the morning taming those flyaways!

TWO: My new favorite shampoo/conditioner duo. It’s Kevin Murphy which I call — The new AVEDA. Angel wash is actually made for fine hair like mine. But there’s of course a variety of different shampoos that will fit your hair type.

THREE: Your hair is very elasticized when wet and more prone to damage and breakage if you’re not careful. Using a wide tooth comb helps minimize damage. It’s all I use on mine, and it’s just a couple of bucks at The Body Shop.

ONE: Subscription to Topbox, Glymm, GlossyBox, or Luxe. The Canadian boxes are endless! Samples are a great way to try out high end products, or products that you wouldn’t normally spend the money on. I wrote a review comparing all of the boxes a few months ago.

TWO: The Alice in Wonderland EOS limited edition lip balms. Perfect to fit in any stocking or on top of a wrapped gift as an added goodie. They’re so moisturizing and have all sorts of a variety of flavors to choose from. Plus, the packaging is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Very unique!

THREE: Purity by Philosophy skin cleanser is such an essential part of my skin care routine now. Perhaps it’s luxurious to some, but it’s my holy grail facial cleanser and so easy on the eyes which is very important to me. It doesn’t sting and doesn’t leave my skin feeling tight after using it. It also removes my waterproof mascara, without much trouble!

FOUR: West Elm makeup bags, everyone needs a makeup or toiletry bag.

ONE: Apron’s from Anthropologie (1 // 2) are always cute, and a great addition to a gift basket for a housewarming present, or a Christmas gift.

TWO: Storage Containers from Bodum are simple, yet have this look about them that you just love. I spotted them at The Container Store, and also Bed, Bath & Beyond.

THREE:I first discovered this amazing IKEA Cheese grater when I lived with a room mate a few years ago. It’s a brilliant idea. Rather than have the cheese go all over your counter. It goes in the supplied box, and comes with a lid! Everyone in my family got this a few Christmas’ ago.

FOUR: I have a total of 6 Baggu reusable grocery bags that I’ve bought over the last few years. They’re made of nylon, which means they’re very durable, can hold up to 25 pounds and you can wash them. Bonus. Plus it doesn’t hurt that they come in fun prints and colors. I reviewed these bags two years ago!

Remember to stay tuned next week and next, as I’ll be giving away some of the products shown in the blog post today. Sorry, there won’t be any fancy oboz boots to giveaway!

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