My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 14)

Oh dear. It’s been AGES since I did a CrossFit weekly post. Apologies!! I’ve been a slacker.

What I did this week? See below!


year 1, week 14, day one

5×3 – Clean Pulls

3×3 – Tempo Dead Lift
*3 seconds from ground to knee on way up, 3 seconds from full hip extension to knee on way down

200m Sprint
15 Hollow Rocks
30 sec. Superman Hold

For the AMRAP I completed almost 4 full rounds. The buzzer went off and I had 4 seconds left to hold my Superman pose. I did it anyway. It was a tough WOD on the abs. There were 2 guys in the class and 3 females including me. I loved being the second fastest runner (one of the guys was ahead) and the other guy swore to me: “Holy shit you’re fast!”. That is, until I burnt out on my 3rd round. Like I said, those abs… ugh it was wonderful.


year 1, week 14, day two

5 rounds

800m Run
30 Toes To Bar (T2B)

We had a 40 minute time limit for this WOD. I ended up doing the 5 complete rounds of running. I had 2 minutes to complete the 800m run as time was running out. I got back in 4. So obviously I didn’t finish the last set of 30 T2B’s.

I posted this picture of me right after I finished. I’m purple!!!



year 1, week 14, day three

18min time limit

5 Rounds of:

12 Deadlifts; 155/105lbs
9 Hang Clean; 155/105lbs
6 Push Jerks; 155/105lbs

So I obviously didn’t do the prescribed workout since my weakness is in my shoulders. I ended up using 55lbs in total. I’m usually like a rotating helicopter with that weight over my head usually, and I wasn’t wobbly!

I’m surprised I did the full WOD. We only had 18 minutes for 5 rounds. Coach shouted out TEN SECONDS, as I had 2 push jerks left of my 5th round. Go the very last one up over my head as the timer buzzed. Sooo awesome. I felt great.

I felt so great I asked my boyf to take a photo of me flexing, hahahaha!! Check it out. I kinda love it. All that stuff in my left hand are screw drivers and my new license plate sticker for the year. Thursday was the last day to swap it out so I met him down there and he changed the sticker for me. Whatta guy.


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Triathelete tests out GNC protein powder

Quoted from

FitFluential is a nationwide network of fitness enthusiasts sharing their journey both online and offline via multiple social media platforms. FitFluential is also a social media agency that creates unique contextual marketing campaigns for brands interested in connecting with fitness enthusiasts.

I’ve written in the past mentioning that I am a FitFluential Ambassador. Basically what that means is that I’ll be dealing with FitFluential brand partners. If a new product or social media campaign launches I will be given the opportunity to participate in reviewing in the brand or product available to others. The entire FitFluential team is forever growing and we’re up into the hundreds now. I’d like to think I have an advantage being Canadian and all, since we’re the minority for now.

That’s my Boy! All photos of my hunky-dory boyfriend taken by yours truly.

I had the chance to let my Boyfriend try out a Whey Protein Powder from GNC Canada. Since he drinks those all of the time, and I’ve only had sample cups of them at Triathlon race sites, I thought it would be better to pass along this one to him, as he pretty much knows his stuff.

I didn’t want him to review it til he was almost all the way through the powder. We received this giant jug of it back in January and he’s been drinking it after every workout since.

See the headlines now, hey? Triathelete tests out GNC Canada protein powder. You can buy it for $49.99 for a 908g tub.

So my Boyfriend says that this is one of the better protein powders he’s ever drank. It’s because the powder itself is very fine and easy to mix.

Glug glug glug!

All mixed up.

As for the taste? Which is probably the most important part because you don’t want to be gagging on a nasty shake after a hard workout. I quote my Boyfriend when he says: “The shake doesn’t have the normal protein stank to it“. You can always taste the strong protein in protein shakes but with this one it’s mild and clearly easy to get down.

Thanks to GNC and FitFluential for the opportunity to review the protein powder. All opinions are 100% from my boyfriend ;)

If you’d like more information about FitFluential, check out the Facebook page, Blog and Twitter!

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#FitFluential Plank Challenge

I sometimes wish that I could be confident enough to bring in my point-and-shoot camera into the CrossFit gym to document some of the cool things we do. Instead of me feeling awkward and shy to ask the coaches if they could film me doing kipping pullups (my favorite move at CrossFit) or planks, I’ve decided to do it in the comfort of my own home.

Show me what you’re capable of! If you’re not too shy to go on video, that is.

I decided to film myself to see how long I could hold a plank for. Before you watch, how long do you think I can hold it?

Planking and Kipping are probably my most favorite exercises, besides climbing of course.

Be FitFluential, and get your plank on!

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