My new tattoo

It’s time to do some laundry tonight. Sometimes I let it pile up and take up all of the washers available in our apartment complex.

It’s funny, because we usually only have athletic wear and towels to wash mostly. I know when I run out of my favorite workout tops from Under Armour, MPG Sport, and Lululemon, it’s time to do laundry. I need my favorite items to work out in!

workout-clothesHey. Gotta have some visual interest in a blog post, right? :)

The boyf is training very hard for his upcoming Ironman in Mont Tremblant in August, so he’s going through laundry like it’s a hot potato. Sorry, couldn’t think of a better description than that. It’s incredible the work outs he puts in. For instance on Saturday & Sunday he ran 20km, Monday he biked 210km, Tuesday he ran 32 at a “slow” pace of what my fast pace is: 5:15min/km’s. Ya. His slow runs are my going full-tilt so that’s why we don’t train together ;) I don’t want to feel like I’m slowing him down even though he’s always up for going out on a run with me regardless of the speed.

CrossFit WodsI’m taking the night off CrossFit. I’ll be going 4x this week (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and tonight I’m going to do a little work out at home from my iPad.

chatelaine all star movesI downloaded the Chatelaine 10-minute fitness app. I’ve been using it for a few days but tomorrow I’ll let you know how it all works.

I’ve been going to my pedicure lady for the past few years and last weekend she had a going away party since her family is moving to Cambodia, where I got this new tattoo of mine. Don’t freak out Mom and Dad – it’s fake. Who would’ve guessed? It’s a stencil which she painted body glue on, then brushed glitter of my choice. It won’t budge. It’s been on since the weekend.

fish tattooI thought it was “just a fish” until I was told it was finding nemo. Oops. I’ve never seen the movie, can you believe it?

I sure will miss that sweet Sophie. I get regular pedicures in the summer because even though I rarely I don’t wear opened toed shoes often because I’m cold pretty much constantly. I do like to have my feet pretty. Especially now that I have had a black toe nail RIGHT before summer started, and this happened last year as well. What luck, huh? Especially it being on my big honkin’ toe, too. TMI for you all? Sorry!

I’m out! Have a good night all.

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Hiking the East Coast Trail

My good friend Kerry and I decided that we’d hike one of the many East Coast Trails while I was home in Newfoundland. I left it up to her to decide on which trail we’d hike, and I also mentioned I didn’t have anything but some ballet flats with me. Thankfully, like Lori, Kerry let me borrow her hikers for this one. I’ve got some great friends! I didn’t even think twice about bringing home hiking boots since I never make it home during the nicer months of the year.

Hiking the Cobbler.970393_10153005678630176_1244730842_n

Can you believe that I took these kinds of views for granted when I lived there? Absolutely breathtaking, and I truly appreciate “The Rock” now that I live in a concrete jungle.1070048_10153005627690176_697916940_n

There’s the Atlantic Ocean for you. We spotted some whales a few kilometres out, spouting water up into the air.1016236_10153005673665176_173313006_n

Kerry, taking it all in.1016236_10153005673660176_456498134_n

Doesn’t Newfoundland look beautiful? Have you ever visited?1016236_10153005673655176_2055476782_n

Ocean for days.1016236_10153005673640176_1298673246_n

Hopefully this blog post about Newfoundland will catch you eye and make you want to visit my home province ;)1016236_10153005673645176_344997095_n

Newfoundland is known for its weird weather. On my trip home I brought fall and summer clothes. I was prepared for any kind of weather. This hiking day was a hot and humid one, with little wind. So Kerry stopped to cool down in one of the streams. 970393_10153005678620176_818483919_n

See the rocky boulders on the left hand ‘middle’ side of the picture? That’s where we stopped for lunch. 970393_10153005678610176_1857273972_n

Took a lunch break I’d say half way through the hike and decided to make this our turn-around point. 970393_10153005678645176_129389817_n

But not before posing and doing some yoga moves. I have no idea what this one is called. But I copied what Kerry did because I thought it looked neat. But man was it hard to keep this pose as she snapped away, ha ha.970393_10153005678640176_1231521315_n

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 19

Ahem. It’s been a few weeks, since I’ve done a weekly recap of my workouts at CrossFit. I’m getting back into it today.

Wish I had some photos to keep it more visually interesting for you guys. Perhaps next week I’ll google some instructional images for you to all understand what we’re doing at CrossFit. Is that something you’d like to see? Let me know in the comments!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 19, day 1

Strict Pullups

Ring Dips
KB Swings
Box Jumps

For the strict pullups I used a black band. For the last set I used a red one. Gettin’ stronger with strict!

For the WOD I used 16kg for the KB swings. Rx was 24kg for women I think. Nuts. My time for completing it was 10:07


year 2, week 19, day 2

10-1 Deadlifts 1.5x bodyweight
1-10 Tru Pushups (on the rings)
*200m run between rounds

I used 105lbs for the deadlifts, and completed the rounds. I was on the few tru pushups when the timer went off. I would’ve had to finish off with a run. I think we had 21 minutes to complete this.

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