Lancome Events & Scion Adventures

header-explore-sfI had a grand ol’ time the other week peppin’ around in a new Scion iM! Check out the bum on ‘er, so cute right? The Scions are great starter vehicles for anyone ready to purchase their first car. Though, I do have to say I did miss the sunroof, especially living in Sunny California.

Scion-backup-camBut for what it lacks sans sunroof, makes up for what my car doesn’t have — a backup camera! It’s so handy to have, especially in a car you’re not familiar with.

Specialized-ScionI had this Scion iM to review for the week and I drove it up to San Francisco twice! That’s a rare occasion for me to head up to the big city that often, but I’ll take it!

Lancome-eventFirst up was the Lancôme event at Clift Hotel, more to come on that later — because I’m super excited to show you some of their new launches coming out in June. And have you ever wished you could create your own foundation type, coverage, and lasting power? You’re going to want to stayed tuned to my blog, let me tell ya that much. If you follow me on Snapchat you’ve already seen the behind-the-scenes of what’s to come. Shh, don’t tell anyone! :)


Alfie-in-ScionOf course, Alfie (aka Captain in Command) is always my first passenger in the car. He loves goin’ for little joy rides. I never drive with him on my lap, ever. I was parked here.

Secondly, it’s been way too long since my husband had been to the City, so on the weekend we drove up and spent the entire day being tourists.

California-AcademyWe hit up the California Academy of Sciences. I have to be honest, it was a bit of a dud. The Tech Museum in San Jose was way better and on a completely different scale. While the CAS had a great observation deck to view over the gorgeous Golden Gate Park, we were a bit disappointed in the place itself – plus it was really pricey for day passes! Yikes.


GgateAcross the park was the de Young Fine Arts Museum, so we walked over there before it closed.


De-Young-museumWe only had about 90 minutes to walk around before it closed but for me, that’s honestly long enough. You have to go up on the 9th floor to get an insane view of San Francisco! Don’t leave this building without going up there! Check out those views.

picassoI saw some Picasso paintings (in case you didn’t know, I used to paint replicas of picasso when I attended art school!! I have a soft spot for ol’ Pablo!)

SFCityNeither of us had seen the Palace of Fine Arts up close before, and being the parkin’-pro I am, I snagged an excellent spot right in front (there’s extremely limited parking, about 10 spaces!).


he-and-iThis spot is always super populated with wedding & engagement shoots, and all sorts of other people in fancy outfits getting photographed. We saw a Ballerina getting her photos done… so gorgeous. I’m also super lucky since I snagged this guy in for TWO photos with me, in one day! A rare treat!

We finished off our sight-seeing and went down to the populated Fisherman’s Wharf to grab supper at Boudin, and dessert at Ghirardelli. And want to know a little somethin’? In the past 2 years we lived here in the Bay Area, Ghirardelli ice creams have doubled their prices lol. Just something we noticed!


scionI feel like reviewing cars for the week is such a great way to get a feel for how much I like the brand, or the vehicle type itself.

Scion-iM-carWouldn’t it be great if, when you were looking to purchase your own car, dealerships would loan them out to you for that long too? That way you could get such a fantastic idea of whether or not you’d like to purchase. I mean, how much can you really tell with a 20 minute test drive?

Odd question I know, but what’s your favourite city to visit in North America? I have a couple of course:

  • Toronto, ON
  • St. John’s, NL (home! Explore your own city!!)
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Santa Cruz, CA
  • Point Lobos, CA

Huge thanks to Scion for loaning me the car for a week to review!

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Thinking Out Loud Thursday #9

Similar to yesterday’s post because I find these are the easiest to write out (a whole lotta mumbo jumbo in my head that needs to be written out), before I get into all the things I need to write about, update you on, and so on.

Thinking Out Loud Thursdays are one of my favourite types of posts to do. I really need to do them much more often, because they’re not all that frequent around these parts, are they.

Does anyone hold onto gift cards as long as I do to make sure they make the best purchase they can with the card? For me, I have about 3 gift cards waiting to be used in my wallet right now. I could be silly and splurge on the things I’ve been eyeing, but when it comes to the gift cards I feel like I should get smarter pieces. For instance, I have a Crate & Barrel gift card that I’ve had since December. So much on my want-list, but I should really but what’s on my need-list, ya know? Oh practicality.

Ghirardelli Sq icecreamNot excited at all for my Ghirardelli Square ice cream.

My computer is too slow for my clickin’ and movin’ the mouse around. My husband and I bought parts for it not too long ago and built it from scratch. But the darn thing is some friggen slow. I don’t even want to tell you how long it takes me to write / edit pictures for a blog post these days. It’s painfully slow, so much so I leave the computer for hours and do the rest of my daily routine. Technically my computer is fast, but I’m not sure what the heck I do to it to make it slow down so much. Oh I want to swear on it.

Sephora Santana RowSephora is opening up at Santana Row! I’m excited. Though I’m not sure why it’s opening there since the mall across the street but I’m not complaining. I go to Santana Row way more often than I step into the maze of a mall.

Green shoesShould’a bought these shoes at the outlets. Regretting that decision.

Today I’m going to head out around the town and collect all of my birthday goodies that I didn’t get a chance to do a few weeks ago. Anyone else do that? You know, the Sephora yearly birthday gift, Ulta gave me a coupon for something too, and I want to head to World Market and use up my free $10 coupon on a really nice candle.

Speaking of birthday gifts. Starbucks didn’t send out a free drink coupon to me this year, or last. Yet I received my gold starbucks card in the mail here in california so I definitely have my address up to date on their files. Sigh. First world problems, am I right? It’s okay, McDonald’s iced coffees are way better. But man I wanted a super huge gigantor smoothie drink from them this year.

What’s App voice messages are my favourite way to communicate with my buddy Megan now that she moved all the way back to Toronto. 5 minute voice recordings? Typical. :)

That’s all I have today. What are some random things going through your mind today?!

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