How about a re-cap?

I’m blogging like a monster lately. How about we do a re-cap in case you missed some things you may be interested in reading here!

As I said I’ve been on a blogging spree blogging about guitar easy songs and everything in between. What does everyone have planned for this Wednesday evening? I’m starving, so I’m going to have supper basically all made for me when I get back from CrossFit.

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My CrossFit Journal (week 49) & GIVEAWAY!


Week 49 Day 1.

7 Rounds

7 Front Squats; 165/115lbs
7 Chest To Bar Pull-ups

We had a 20 minute time limit and I finished my workout in 19:50. My wrists killed from the front squats. I lifted 55lbs in total, which was plenty. Since I still can’t do strict pullups on my own, unassisted I did 10 kips each round instead of 7 chest to bar’s.



Week 49 Day 2.


“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds:

1 Min Wall Balls; 20/16lbs  (I used 12lbs)
1 Min SDHP; 75/55lbs  – I went all out and used the 55lbs!!
1 Min Box Jumps; 24/20″ 20 inch box jumps. Totally doable
1 Min Push Press; 75/55lbs  Yep, I used 55lbs for this one too
1 Min KB Swings; 20/16kg I dropped down to 12kg for these
1 Min Rest

It didn’t seem like a bad workout, I mean it’s only 15 minutes right? It left me breathless and I stumbled to the bathroom to catch my breath and wanting to puke at the same time. I LOVE these WODs the best. The faster the better. I’m so self-competitive, I don’t want to give up.


 [older crossfit journal entries]

I also have a little surprise for you guys today! I last spoke about Goody Hair ties in a recent YouTube video that I filmed.

I thought it was appropriate to host this giveaway on my 3 weeks shy of a whole year at CrossFit. I always wear my hair up when I go to work out, of course. Since I have long hair and all. Here’s a recent find and fav of mine, the Goody Doublewear products. When the elastics are on your wrists, they look like little bracelets! Cute right? I’ve been wearing them mostly on my wrists at work as decoration. But they’re always around when I need to put my hair up. Which is never, unless I workout, which is always after work. Does that make sense? lol. DoubleWear allows you to wear a hair elastic on your wrist (and even now on your neck) and have it double as jewelry. The bracelets look great stacked with other bangles you may own. I’ve seen them displayed at Walmart, Shoppers DrugMart, and Loblaws.

What one’s are your favorite? Silver or Gold? I’m definitely loving the silver ones. Anyway, if you want to win all of the Goody DoubleWear items shown above, just use the form below and comment away! Good luck!

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Just in time for Black Friday

This is my first time working in conjunction with, and they have graciously allowed me to host a giveaway for you guys! Just to give you a little run down, is Canada’s largest online health, beauty, and baby products store. So basically an online place to shop for basic necessities, or … chocolate! You know I found that right away.  The site is designed to access things easily. For instance, you can navigate by brand, or even by medicine cabinet! would be optimal for people such as my Brother. He has a family of six, so his life is always incredibly busy with four children. Forgetting to purchasing things like q-tips, and hygiene products are often forgotten if they’re not on the grocery list. is always available to shop online!

The best part about is that it’s a Canadian company that has free shipping with no minimum orders to almost all locations in Canada. But we don’t forget about our American neighbors, there’s free shipping in the United States for orders over $99 Canadian. also accept returns of unopened products up to 60 days after the date of purchase. Pretty exceptional service if you ask me!

As I stated above, I’m hosting a giveaway for you guys! It’ll be a $50 gift card to As I’m sure everyone knows, tomorrow is Black Friday. has some very exciting promotions starting then and ending on Monday the 28th (Cyber Monday). During this time period, they’re giving  customers the option to choose 1 of 5 “free gifts” when they place an order of $100+. The gift options include chocolate, a very popular board game, natural cleaning products, teeth whitening products, and a beauty gift set. The gifts are valued between $25-40 each so this is a fantastic promotion for shopping for Christmas presents.

Once the promotion goes live tomorrow, all of the information will be available here: If you make a purchase on while the $50 giveaway is live,  you will still be entered to win the $50 as a credit-back on your order. So don’t hesitate to take advantage of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals!

How to enter?

Contest ends December 2, 2011

Good luck, and enter away!


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