My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 28)

I don’t know why I named my weekly workout schedule “My CrossFit Journal” because sometimes I skip CrossFit for a week. Like this week for instance, I went just once to CrossFit (Thursday night) because I was so bloody sore from the insane Murphy Challenge the prior Saturday morning! My lats and biceps felt like they were going to rip right off, for days.

I came out of soccer “retirement” last Wednesday night. I was invited by my CrossFit coach to join their new co-ed team and start up in the indoor league. Let’s start with that:


year 1, week 28, day one. Soccer!!!

Our first soccer game started at 10:00pm this night. I showed up to the indoor field at 9:30pm and not a soul was around! I was surprised, as I thought some people would want to warm up a bit before the game. 10 minutes later, people started slowing pouring in. We started the game a bit late because there weren’t any ref’s (nor will there ever be, in this league I don’t think – very laid back).

I forgot how fast paced men are with their foot work. I felt like I had to work extra hard to show my team what I was capable of. We ended up winning 2-0.


year 1, week 28, day one


3 Rep Max Deficit Strict HSPU
*12 minutes to establish

My CrossFit coach had a few of us practice getting up in the air for the hand stands. Apparently I was getting the hang of it pretty quickly. He then told me to stay up in the handstand for 5 seconds. I stayed up longer, which he saw. Then said for me to move forward once again and start doing the beginning of handstand push ups. SO SCARY but SO FUN!!! I ended up using 3 ab mats and just bending my arms ever so slightly. I did it a few times in a row, so it’s just now getting the depth in.

I asked my Boyfriend on Saturday afternoon if he wanted me to show him what I was capable of. I didn’t try to dip down whatsoever, but kept the handstand pose while he took a photo of me.

3 Ring Dip
6 Hollow Rocks
9 Box Jumps (30/24)

This workout was tough. I ended up using a 16″ box with a ton of weights on it to make it 24″, but it ended up being 25″ somehow. My hips were quite sore after this workout, so I decided to listen to my body and make it the last workout of my week. I did 9 complete rounds, I think. Either that or I was just finishing it up. I forget.

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My CrossFit Journal (1 year + 2 weeks in)

Two weeks into the first year of CrossFit, here’s how I did:


day one

3 RDS:
40 Double Unders (or 120 regular skips)
20 Wall Ball (20/16)
10 Pull Up
5 Burpees
Wall balls are my most hatred workout at CrossFit or any other type of exercise. The only thing I will skip and try to cheat at and do 18 instead of 20 reps is wall balls. I don’t care if you scold me. I’d rather do thrusters and I know it’s kind of the same thing but  wall balls make me so angry. I couldn’t finish the three rounds in the 15 minutes we were allocated. I ended up getting to the third round and finishing 6 full kipping pullups before the timer went off. Shoot!


day two


10 Deadlift; 155/105lbs
15 T2B

I still can’t do handstand pushups. Especially not 5 in a row, so for the scaled version we do the basic one which is starting on your feet and leaning down with your bum in the air and go down like you would in a pushup, just diagonally. Not sure if I’m explaining it right. Oh well.

Here’s the scaled version:
10 Dive Bombers
10 Deadlifts (I did end up using 105lbs!!)
15 Toes To Bar

I ended up doing almost 5 full rounds. I was on the 5th round, and completed 10 dive bombers, 10 deadlifts and was about to start my toes to bar’s but then the timer went off.


I had originally planned to go 3 days in a row to CrossFit since I had other plans that week for things. But the third day there was a power outage on the north side of the entire city. I drove over anyway since some of the lights on certain parts of the city were actually on. Once I arrived I saw a note on the door stating that they were closed. :(

[older crossfit journal entries]

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