Photo post overload! I wanted to just invade your blog feed with TONS of fun photos of Newfoundland while I was there over Thanksgiving! Enjoy the post :)
Going for a cruise with my Dad, again!
My parents fireplace is amazing.
Trying on hats at Posie Row, downtown. Loved this one, didn’t buy it ($50!)
Next up, some candid shots that my Mom took of us three in the park. These are my fav!
Took my nephews winter hat off his head just to tease him. Love our expressions! I totally lived in my MPG hoody the entire time. It’s incredibly comfy and definitely durable.
Hanging out in one of the trees talking about poop most likely.
Guys, I used to live in trees in our backyard as a kid. I can’t believe how HARD it is to climb a tree now that I’m “old”! LOL
Having a chat with the little guy. I think this is when he was stuck and I was about to help him get down.
Piggy backs while running are fun for me. Scary for the nephew ;)
Pretending to shoot each other. Boys.
Playing tag. I TOTALLY nabbed him. Slow kid ;)
I laughed until I cried when I saw this picture. Here he is hanging on for dear life.
Cracking up at this photo. Caption: “Ancy Nancy I want a turn… is it my turn yet?” as I hog the swing and my nephew tries to catch me. Hah!!!Not yet kid!
I was told before the jump, we all had to hold hands and say “1-2-3 DONKEY KONG”.
My favorite shot of my entire trip.
My nephew trying to bother me. Standing on my boots!!!Heading back to the car all holding hands. How sweet!!!
Hope you enjoyed the post!
Do you have any nieces or nephews?
How far away do you live from your family?