Sock bun tutorial

Dude. You guys.

I mastered the sock bun. I’ve seen it on YouTube for the past year or so, and I’ve just never tried it because I thought I didn’t have enough hair to cover the bun, or that it wouldn’t work in my hair. Don’t be fooled. You can do it too.

Boy oh boy! It looks great and I’ve been wearing it like this a few times per week. It’s so easy, and it’s so put together.

I ended up filming a tutorial on how to do it. It’s just three minutes long, and it’s mostly me rambling on. It’s honestly really quick. See?

(If you cannot see the video, click here to view it on YouTube)

I was even feeling so daring that evening, when I first learned how to do it — that I started playing with other styles. I tried french braiding my hair and it was really difficult because my hair is silky (jealous? lol) and hard to work with. Maybe I need second-day hair and a little more texture in order to keep my hair in place.

A lil’ grease won’t hurt, if ya know what I mean.

Are you adventurous with your hair? I rarely do any changes to mine. Pony tail, or straight down. But now I’ve got options, ha!

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Minor upgrades to spiffykerms

I’m not that computer savvy. I’ve been blogging with the WordPress platform since I switched over a few years ago, from editing my site in HTML and re-uploading the main.html file EVERY time I wanted to do a blog entry. Crazy huh?

So whenever anyone tells me that there are some neat plugins for my site, I jump at the chance. Especially if it’s going to improve the quality and accessibility to my website.

Erin who blogs over at ButterNWhiskey (love that name by the way) mentioned a new-to-me plugin called nrelate, and thank the lord they have a step-by-step guide on how to search for it, download and install it. It literally took about 16 seconds to do it all.

Now you can see at the bottom of each blog post entry, related posts with 4 images/links. YAY!

I like that little change I’ve added to my website, so thanks Erin and thanks nrelate for creating a fun plugin. I had no idea it was that easy.

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How to remove Shellac nail polish

I had Shellac nail polish on my nails for 15 or 16 days, and I went in to get them taken off and put back on again. They were now starting to chip and the growth showed through. Rather than pay $5.00 + $25 to have shellac put on once again, I decided to save myself the five bucks and remove the polish the exact same way I saw the lady do it!

You will need:

Cotton rounds, nail polish remover and tinfoil.

Cut your cotton rounds in half to fit your finger.

Cut the tinfoil long enough to wrap around your nail.

Drench your cotton round in nail polish remover.

Cover your nail with it.

Secure the cotton round with tinfoil. This will heat up the chemicals in the nail polish remover so the shellac will be easier to remove.

Keep going! Your fingers will end up looking like this.

Leave the tinfoil finger tips on for no more than 20 minutes – in fact, 15 minutes is probably your best bet. I left the tinfoil on my fingertips for 15 minutes and it was somewhat easy to get off. My right hand being my dominant hand, I left the tinfoil on those fingertips for longer (30 minutes)since i thought it’d help my gimpy left hand remove the polish easier and I got a bit of a chemical burn. It stung a bit when I rinsed my hands with soap and water. So be cautious.

ET phone home!

To remove the polish you can either use one of these stick things, or your finger nails. I found them both to be successful in removing the shellac.

Shellac removed off all the nails! These will look pretty gnarly right now. But simply wash your hands, dry them and put some nail polish remover on a cotton round and remove the excess polish. It should come off in a breeze.

After/Before photo!

All done, your shellac should be all removed. Hope this helped some of you out there!

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