A night with Serena Williams

Serena Williams and I get to hang out tomorrow night.

Okay, we don’t really get to hang out … together per say. But we’re going to be in the same building at the same time. So there ya go.

I tend to unfortunately decline a lot of invitations to attend things in Toronto. Just because they’re on week nights and I live a good drive away and would never be able to make the event on time.

Side note: Morgan says I should move to Gotham City I mean, Toronto. Semi-inside joke that’ll now be everyone’s joke: I knew I was meeting up with Morgan one day last month, and I’d be getting back to my car after dark. But before I left my house, I asked her if she’d walk me to my car. I figured I’d get mugged or something being a single chick walkin’ somewhere on a weekend in the BIG CITY. She said … “It’s not Gotham City, Nancy. But I’ll be your Batman.” And so it stuck.

Okay back to my Serena Williams story.

When SportChek e-mailed me asking me to attend the Face Off Tennis match with them at the Air Canada Centre, I immediately ran to my Boss and asked her if I could work different hours on Friday so I could make it on time.

Ahhgg doesn’t it sound exciting?!

I gotta be honest. I know nothing about tennis. I was enrolled in a fancy tennis club at a young age, but I was really uncoordinated with the darn tootin’ ball and found it difficult. So I quit. Lol. My Boyfriend on the other hand, is joining me in Toronto tomorrow, to watch the match – and he’s played Tennis most of his life. So I know he’s going to enjoy it.

I’ll be sure to bring a camera to take some snaps, and I’m 100% certain I’ll be tweeting and Instagramming from the event!

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What keeps me inspired?

I have a big ol’ sweet tooth that everyone knows about. In order to have a few sweet treat indulgences I need to keep working out! Haha. It’s the honest truth. 

Also, working out isn’t just for fitness for me, though that of course plays a huge factor, keeping healthy and active. But it’s a big social part of my life. I’ve established some great 10+ year long relationships with friends that I met through climbing, running groups and now CrossFit.

Here’s Kerry & I, we both attended a wedding in Newfoundland over thanksgiving. Kerry is one of my long-time climbing friends. I don’t know how many years we’ve known each other. But I’m going to go with over 9 years?!

Old photo of Trev & myself at one of his birthdays at the climbing gym no less. My best bud (who I met semi-through climbing, semi-through friends) for 12+ years!

I’ve even taken new friends to the climbing gym with me. Hi Steph, miss you! She’s in Zimbabwe right now and gets back next month.

I always need to remember “You’re only one workout from a good mood”. So true! Working out also keeps me much more alert and I really do have much more energy when I work out throughout the week, than on those weeks where I skip.

It doesn’t hurt that I have a boyfriend that works out (even more!) than I do – so I almost get a sense of regret if I don’t work out as often as I had planned. Seeing him strive, reach his goals through hard work really pushes me to be a better person in life. Stay motivated, and to stay on track. 

How do you stay inspired and motivated?

I wrote this blog post to share with you all as I am part of the Sport Chek’s #MyBetter campaign.I hope it inspires some of you to reach your goals. Go get’m tiger! Stay inspired. Stay motivated.

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Accomplished fitness milestones

Some people’s fitness milestones involve a lot of endurance. Anything from running marathons, to completing an Ironman triathlon. Both of those give me the willies and I have absolutely zero interest in both.

I do have to say, I have definitely got involved in more things than I had ever imagined myself. I am lucky to have a strong, and healthy body. To be able to do the things I enjoy doing.

Two years ago, after my Boyfriend’s second Ironman Canada triathlon race, we drove to Banff. We ended up hiking this one mountain called Mount Fairview. It was awfully steep, and took an insane amount of courage to get to the top. In fact, I cried the whole way up hiking on that one because it was so challenging. The air got thinner as we progressed and of course, knowing my Boyfriend he had to pick the most gruelling one of all.

I hated every moment that I was doing it.

That all changed once I reached the top. It was a surreal moment where I felt on top of the world. It was an incredible feeling of accomplishment, just being up there in the quiet mountain tops that were snow covered, while a few kilometers below it was a hot summer’s day. I wanted to stay up there for hours. It was just unbelievably breathtaking, relaxing, and so gorgeous. I will never forget those moments.

Here we are on top of Mount Fairview, in Lake Louise! It was a 2km/3km hike but we gained 1km of elevation. So it took us 2.5hours to reach the top. It was nuts, but insanely beautiful.

Getting down was also tricky! I’m sliding down on my bum, since Mount Fairview was too steep for my liking. Had no idea Scott was taking this photo — looks pretty funny.

Beauty ol’ Alberta, Canada. Hey?

My recent milestones is keeping up with CrossFit WODs. Never have I imagined myself lifting weights, training like a gymnast, running on the clock, getting stronger after each WOD, and keeping it up for nearly two years! It’s a huge accomplishment on my part, since I sign up for yearly gym memberships and barely last 4 months. Like I said in previous blog posts, you gotta find that niche you’re really into, and it doesn’t seem like work. Make it fun!

What are some of your significant fitness milestones?

As you know I’m part of the Sport Chek’s #MyBetter campaign. I wrote this blog post to share with you all, and hopefully inspire some of you to reach your goals. Go out and achieve them! Create adventures for yourself. Even if you hate it while you’re doing it (like me, crying all the way to the top. But never regretting my decision!). Everyone has all sorts of goals when it comes to being healthy and fit. Stay inspired. Stay motivated.

This is not a sponsored post.

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