Yay how fun! I took my outfits of the work week photos (mostly) outside this week. What do you think? I think it’s a wee bit better quality. I may continue to do this, until the weather gets too cold, or unless it’s a windy day and the  roller stand with my tiny tri-pod and point-and-shoot camera rolls or blows away, lol.

My favorite outfit this week, is most definitely yesterdays. My top was shown in yesterday’s blog post, as I did a Toronto re-cap. I bought it at Anthropologie last Thursday. It’s a mullet top. Business in the front, party in the back, wahoo!

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OOTWW + Fossil winner



I’m sure most of you are just dying to know who won the Fossil watch giveaway, due to the fact that it ended last night at midnight!

I cannot get over the fact that there were 1400+ entries into the contest. I have no idea how it exploded like that, but I’m really thrilled. Especially to read some new blogs! So thank you for visiting, and thank you for entering into that contest.

Congratulations Aliesha, I’ve e-mailed you to get your address!

Onto my outfits of the work week. It was a short week — just three days at work. I was sick today and I went to Toronto yesterday and be sure to check back next week for all of the detail on that. The reason why I haven’t posted about it already, was because I’m waiting on some photos to be released! For a peak at what I’ve been doing yesterday in Toronto, check my images I posted to Twitter yesterday.

Have a great long weekend everyone! Til next time!

Question: What does everyone have planned for Labour Day weekend?!


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A little late on getting these outfits of the work week up, this week. I usually do it in the morning before work. Either way, here she I be.

What are everyone’s weekend plans? Tomorrow I’m driving to another city to see my Mom’s Aunt and my cousin who I haven’t seen in a long time. If you have a chance, check out her Etsy shop, she’s working on putting some more things up there. So keep checking back if you like her style.

Also, I’m most definitely tuning into the broadcast of the Ironman Canada triathlon in British Columbia. My boyfriend is racing in it!!

I’m going out for a run with my co-worker now! Adios.


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