I didn’t pick out anything in advance for this OOTWW (outfit of the work week) because I had/have a killer sunburn on my upper thighs, and stomach. So bad that I felt ill, couldn’t move and didn’t want any clothes on. I’ve been applying aloe in the morning after my shower, during lunch, and about 4-5 times after I get home from work from when I go to bed. I didn’t even go to CrossFit this week because I was so sore. Tomato sore.

Thus… me lacking in posts about my trip. I’d like to get some photos up so you guys can see them all, but I also want them to look pretty so I’m going to edit a few and have them up shortly. Promise! :)

Til then, here’s what I wore to work:

Heyyy look. All skirts/dresses. Kinda random!

Have a good weekend, and don’t forget to enter my giveaway to win a September Glymm box!

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