All of my OOTWW (outfit of the work week) pieces have been recycled so to speak. I was feeling lazy Sunday night and didn’t want to think of any new pairings. So I went through all of my OOTWW posts, looked through the images and grabbed the outfits from months ago and paired them together for this week. I’m sure you all really care. But there ya go, sometimes I cheat like that.

Some outfits work so well together that I consider them my uniform. If I’m going out anywhere unexpected and I have no idea what to wear, I gravitate towards those type of outfits. I personally think that’s a brilliant idea myself and love having these uniforms to go to. For instance my safe outfit this winter that I’ve worn quite a bit was this outfit (see Friday) and this outfit (see Tuesday).

Want to know how I plan what I’m going to wear throughout the week? I’ve written a post back in December on how I get everything together for the week. Check it out!

Now, onto this week’s OOTWW:

Are you guys interested in seeing what I’ve been wearing to climbing and crossfit? Should I do an OOTD for those posts and include them in here each Friday as well? I don’t think I’ll be doing them for every time I go to exercise, since I feel like it’s a lot of the same outfits. Either way, I’d like to hear your thoughts and get some input!

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Please come back to my blog in the morning. I may have a little surprise :)

For now I’ll leave you with my late outfit of the work week. Boyfriend and I went out skating in Uptown to a free local (small) skate rink outside. DJ’s were playing some pretty upbeat house music, totally my style. Loved it all. Skating wears you out though! Moses.

Catch me over on YouTube tonight….and have a great Friday!

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