Spiffykerms Style

While I don’t post outfits of the work week any more, since I’m not currently working a full time job outside of the home, I have decided to take quick, styled outfits on our kitchen floor to still keep up with the fashion posts on my blog. Follow along on my Instagram or search the hashtag #SpiffykermsStyle :)Maxi skirt, Flip flops, clutchWorkout clothes, Lululemon, Mizuno, Target, Under Armour, NikeOutfit of the day, OOTD, Banana Republic, JC Penny, American Eagle, Tory Burch, Forever 21, Skagen watchWorkout clothes, ootd, workout, Lululemon, Mizuno, Ironman Canada, Ironman, MPG Sport, MPGWhat I wore, OOTD, FashionCrossFit, CrossFit Waterloo, WIW, What I wore, OOTD, Workout, Mizuno, Gap, MPG

What are you wearing today?

Do you prefer to wear pants or skirts/dresses more?

Is this something you’d like to see regularly on the blog? Or would you like me to keep it to Instagram only?

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I am not feeling clever this morning so I don’t have anything funny or witty to say. But I will tell you the truth, and it’s what I tweeted out about a half hour ago.

Putting on a thong this early in the morning truly is rocket science. Which side is up?! I always seem to put it on sideways or inside out. Have you ever had these troubles? Seriously though.

Change of topic. I drew the winners name for the Philosophy Gift Set and contacted her, so that’s all grand. But don’t forget to enter my Mondetta Performance Gear giveaway! There’s low entries, and tons of ways to enter.

Off to do some dishes before work. But first, the outfits of the work week:ootww

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OOTWW & Nail Polish Canada’s free shipping

How comfortable are you with online shopping?

I buy a good 25% or more of my clothes, and shoes online. Not so much makeup but I wouldn’t include nail polish in that category.

This is going to sound like such an advertisement, but it’s not. I’m not getting paid or asked to promote this. BUT. Nail Polish Canada is well, a Canadian nail polish company (duh) based out west and they have a tremendous amount of nail polish brands to choose from.

nancy lauraIn fact, Laura from our meetup (that’s us in the photo) last weekend buys her Zoya nail polish from there.

Get this. Nail Polish Canada sells their polishes for a better deal than you’d find at Shoppers Drug Mart. It won’t cost you $9.99 for a bottle of China Glaze. It’s $6.95 online. With free shipping I may add.

I asked Nail Polish Canada how long their free shipping promo is going on for, and it’s definitely on until the end of September. So if you want to do a bit of shopping this weekend try and hit up their website and stock up.

Onto the outfits of the work week.ootwwTonight we’re going to keep it pretty relaxed. I think the Boyf has some plans on cleaning up the apartment a little bit and putting away some of his work/tool bench things while I look online  for solid machine handles for this machinery piece he told me to search for. 

Don’t forget to enter my Philosophy gift set giveaway, for Canadians only.

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