A Canadian Christmas

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of UPPAbaby. The opinions and text are all mine.

You guys! We made it! We’re in Canada now! Everyone is here, and everyone is freezing – but I am so beyond stoked right now.

I haven’t been back to Newfoundland during snowy season in two years. I can’t believe it – that time flew by I guess because I definitely don’t miss snow (did I mention that it’s SO cold here?), but appreciate it for the short time that I’m fully in it. The last time I was home during winter, was the extended trip when my Father had passed away in 2016. We used to head home regularly, but last year was full of Alfie’s cancer appointments, and me being super-pregnant and unable to travel. We’ve headed home to Newfoundland on a happier note this year as we bring home our sweet little California baby, to introduce him to his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for the first time. He’s not getting a ton of naps in during the day because of all the goin’-on’s, but he’s so tired come bedtime he’s almost sleeping through the night. Almost. Hallelujah.

It’s the first time that we traveled anywhere as a family of four including Alfie. I mean really, he never not joins us. Navigating the airport was thankfully not so bad since we checked two suitcases and that lessened our load of carry-ons. Bebs did better than expected on the two long flights back to Newfoundland, and only screamed once or twice ;) My tips (that other Mom-friends told me – I can’t take any credit) – bring all the snacks, allow all the cartoons, change babys diaper before you board. I ended up bringing a new toy, and his favourite teddy bear. I guess a 10 month old baby is somewhat easy to entertain (ie: he was playing with a plastic drinking cup when the airline gave me a drink of water). Score.

We ended up getting the UPPAbaby MINU for the trip home. I first saw the UPPAbaby MINU advertised online, then my Mom-pal Emily ended up getting one for her little boy (who is just a few weeks younger than bebs). When I saw it in person, I loved it.

As you might know, we have the UPPAbaby VISTA too. The MINU is significantly lighter: VISTA weighs 26.6lbs, MINU is less than 15lbs! It really packs a punch, with an amazingly sturdy frame. We simply didn’t want a lot of added weight to cart home, or more importantly, carrying it all throughout the airport. I love that the MINU is a one-hand action fold. I literally was carrying bebs in one arm and did the quick one-handed fold, then strapped it onto my one shoulder when it was time to board the plane.

This right here is the sound and colour of happiness. Ahh, crispy air, rosy cheeks and happy hearts. Isn’t it beautiful in Newfoundland? Have you ever been to the east coast of Canada? (Also, notice that Alfie is even wearing his little winter coat, sweet puppa!)

So follow along my Instagram for the next little while, as I show you how I easily use the UPPAbaby MINU around St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada for our daily excursions in the great Canadian winter!

Featuring the Jake (Black Mélange/Carbon/Black Leather) UPPAbaby MINU stroller.


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