I had a ton of fun this week, and appreciated that it was also a short week with the Family Day holiday and a vacation day I took on Tuesday since I had an extra day layin’ around from last year. Might as well put it to use, hey?

Next week I’m heading out to Toronto for the day on Wednesday, and I’m already excited about it. Can’t wait to blog and tell you my adventures there!

I hit my snooze for an hour this morning. I meant to get up at 6:40 am in order to publish this very blog post for you guys this morning, however sleep won me over. It always does as of late. Oops. Either way, at least it’s still Friday so I’m not that late getting the post up.

snacks-at-my-deskSupper is being put on hold until I write this post. Thus, the need for some snacks: cheese ‘n crackers + vitaminwater zero. Don’t judge the desk. It’ll get cleaned. This is what it looks like towards every weeks end.

Here we go with Fashion Friday!


Next up, the Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable people of the week!

Ashley posts a What’s Inside My Purse (love these posts!)

Marion has her weekly moments of the week up, plus a casual Friday OOTD. (Love her blog, she’s so hilarious).

Merrick is so talented with the sewing machine, and always reinventing her closet. Today she posted how to wear an article of clothing, 5 different ways.

Holy moly, Lena gives an incredible review of a new shampoo and conditioner she received. The volume she has is outstanding. Check out her site to see before/after photos.

Tattoo your bananas for breakfast! Such a cute idea.

Check out Laura’s first Fashion Friday post!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL (if applicable)
  • Description of your blog post 
  • A photo (optional)
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On cloud 9 feelin’ fresh faced and fancy free

I just want to pop in here this evening to tell you all that I feel like I’m on cloud 9 right now.

A weight has been lifted off my shoulders which seemed like it was on me since September/October of last year. Without getting into too much detail for personal reasons, I said what was needed to be said and it felt amazing. I feel amazing and so very proud of myself for telling it like it is. Even if I got a little purple in the face and needed to step away to “take a breather” after all was said and done.

vitamin-water-zeroThen. I sat back down — cracked open a bottle of vitamin water zero and enjoyed. So fruity, so juicy. I felt like I was getting hugs and kisses hence the perfect name, for the perfect opportunity to drink it.

Have you guys ever tried this out? I’ve had the original vitamin water’s before but there’s new ones out with zero calories. Or something. It’s delicious. I reserve them for my 3pm snack time at work. I do not share.

I tweeted the other day this funny one liner (if I do say so myself) to vitamin water:

tweetThey apparently loved my enthusiasm. Psh, who doesn’t? ;)

vitamin-water_zeroOh the triple threat. Three delicious flavors (go-go, xoxox, and resilent-c). Three different flavor parties in my mouth. Honestly? I had no idea what to expect when drinking it. I thought it was going to taste either like watered down juice, or water with a hint of flavor. But it’s thirst quenching goodness that my taste buds are happy that I fulfill.

bulk-barn-valentines-day-caI went to Bulk Barn right after work and picked up some sweets for my sweet for Valentines Day tomorrow ;) Isn’t the bag the cutest?

Anyway. Enough blabbering on. Have a great night folks!

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