My CrossFit Journal (Year 2 Week 25)

This week I killed it at CrossFit. I felt so strong and ended up using a dead lift weight of 135lbs for a WOD. My back wasn’t even a tad sore the next day. Perhaps I should’ve used more!

Before I get into the CrossFit WODs re-cap from last week I wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that Reebok officially released its Fall/Winter 2013 Women’s Fitness and Lifestyle apparel and footwear collections in Canada, as of August 1. The collection was designed by women, including Reebok partners Alicia Keys and “rebel yogi” Tara Stiles. Crazy right? Here’s a preview of what’s to come in stores. So excited.

I had the opportunity to have a peek at all of the collection but I’m just going to post my favorites and what is more appealing to me (ie: not wedge sneakers).

I really love these orange ‘sweat pants’. I live in sweat pants come winter time. Plus orange is my favorite color. They look like a nice cut with straight legs and not so constricting ankles. Not sure of the cost of this one.Reebok_Yoga_BB_Fleece_Cuffe

I buy anything that has stripes on it. There’s a lot of stripey clothes in my wardrobe. But not so much my workout clothes. The racer back is a nice touch to show off those muscles. Not sure of the cost of this one.Reebok_Yoga_Power_MYOY_LBT2

These are the Reebok One training shoes. I’m assuming they’re the shoes you can wear to CrossFit. I bought a pair of yellow nano 2.0’s online when I was doing my Paleo challenge. These babies will be $109.99.Reebok_ONE_Trainer1

There’s also some sneakers for the runners out there. Love the colors of everything! They have three-foam midsole to maximize performance. One running shoe is designed for comfort and stability, and the other is the pronator version which has a flatter arch. (L-R: Reebok One Guide $139CAD, Reebok One Cushion is $129)Reebok_ONE_Guide1

And of course since the colder months are inevitably upon us. I live in thicker leggings at CrossFit when it’s cooler out. Even those these are geared to more runners. Sports Essentials Tight — $49.99.Reebok_Sport_Essentials_TigCan’t say no to a good sports bra. This one is called the Sports Essentials Short Bra Top and it’ll retail for $29.99 CAD.Reebok_Sport_Essentials_Sho

Saving the best for last. The awesome Reebok ONE Training Women’s Jacket is $79.99. Super unique looking and the colors again go so great together.Reebok_ONE_Training_Woven_J

Back to reality. My CrossFit Wods from last week:

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 25, day 1

5 rounds
3 jumping pull ups with 3 second pause at top, and 3 second decent
3 kip/butterfly pullup practice

I alternated between using no bands and just the bar and using the red band when I wanted a break.

8 supine pull ups

30 second v-out hold
8 wall balls 20/16lbs

I ended up completing 5 full rounds, plus the 8 supines and 30 second v-out. I used a 14lb med ball for the wall balls.


year 2, week 25, day 2

3 dead lifts
6 burpees over bar

I used 135lbs for the dead lifts! By the time the 7th & 8th round was done I couldn’t finish all six burpees :(

6 wall balls
6 med ball burpees
12 med ball OH lunge

I completed 3 full rounds. It was a tough one, even though it doesn’t look too bad on paper.



What workouts did you do this week?

Have you ever tried CrossFit? If not, what is your workout choice?

Out of the whole Reebok Canada collection for Fall/Winter, what is your favorite piece that I showed?

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 23

I went to CrossFit just three times last week, but it was three days in a row. My triceps are still hurting. What a feeling!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 23, day 1 wodI started off by doing 50 double unders for the first and second round. It slowed me down so I ended up doing single skips on my third & fourth round.


year 2, week 23, day 2 EMOM 15 Full Clean 1-3 @ 50-60% 4-6 @ 60-70% 7-9 @ 70-80% 10-12 @ 80-90% 13-15 @ 90+ Every minute on the minute complete ONE full clean. This is how my weight went: 1 and 2 I used 55lbs 3rd I used 60lbs 4-6 I used 65lbs 7-9 I used 70lbs 10-12 I used 75lbs for the last two I used 85lbs AMRAP 15 7 Halting Dead Lift (Where ever you finished on the Cleans) 14 Push Ups 7 Over Bar Burpees I went up in weight for the halting deadlifts instead of using the 85lbs we finished with. I put 10 more pounds on and used 95lbs for the halting deadlifts. Completed 5 full rounds and in my 6th round I completed all 7 halting deadlifts.  


year 2, week 23, day 3 WOD: 100m run 15 push press I used 55lbs 200m run 10 push press I used 60lbs 400m run 5 push press I used 65lbs 100m run 5 push jerk I used 65lbs 400m run 10 push jerk I used 60lbs 200m run 15 push jerk I used 55lbs 100m run I finished the WOD in 16:17. This workout really pushed me, since I was one of the slower/weaker people in the class this night. I was one of the last people to finish, which makes me work harder because I want to still get a decent time. I was pretty happy with the time I got!

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 22

I went to CrossFit four times last week. That’s a lot for someone who hasn’t attended regularly since May. I definitely felt it. Friday’s workout was probably the most hard on me due to it being more strength than endurance. I looked at the back of my hands at one point and the sweat was just pooling up on them. The middle of my back I felt drips of sweat sliding down wanting to inch down into my butt crack. It was uncomfortable as you can only imagine.

Oh! How did I almost forget to mention. I hit a PR this week on front squats! Finally broke 100lbs!!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 22, day 1

july 29 wodFront Squat
3 at 75%  – I used 75lbs
3 at 80% – I used 80lbs
2 at 85% – I used 85lbs
2 at 90% – I used 90lbs
2 x 1 at 95-100% – I used 95lbs then hit 100lbs on my 2nd attempt!!

10 burpees
10 snatch grip overhead lunge

I used 45 lbs since overhead things are SO flippin hard. I finished 4 full rounds and did 10 burpees in my 5th round when the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 22, day 2

10 minutes of kipping pull up practice

1km run
Then 5 rounds of:
7 wide grip strict pull ups
7 chest to bar
14kb pistols (I didn’t use a weight)
21 hollow rocks

I completed the 1km run slower than last week (5:15) and came in at 5:23.  For the WOD I completed 3 rounds and 9 pistols.


year 2, week 22, day 3

3 Rounds:
21 Overhead medball situps
200m run
15 thrusters
200m run
9 over bar burpees
* Rest 3 minutes after each round

One of the coaches said everyone finished this WOD. So I thought I’d finish it too. But I’m pretty sure everyone didn’t wait the 3 minute rest-time more like had a 2 min rest. Whatevs. So. I didn’t finish lol. I was on my last 200m run and had to do 9 more over bar burpees.


year 2, week 22, day 4

crossfit wod 4th day

This workout posted above was the mental one I was talking about. I don’t know if I’m just really weak with front squats but I had to bump down to 55lbs after the first few rounds because holy crapballs I was finding it impossible to get out 10 in a row. More like 3 and slam the weight down lol….That or the fact I had a tough workout week. Let’s say that ;)

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