My CrossFit Journal (Year 2, week 12)

Holy quacamole. So many power cleans this week at CrossFit. I ended up getting an unexpected number during those and I hit the 100lb mark! I was pretty surprised and happy about that.

Now, let’s start off with last week’s WOD re-caps.

The short:

Sunday — Rest
Monday — Rest
Tuesday — CrossFit
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — Rest
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday— Rest

The long:


year 2, week 12, day one

3 rounds:
12 toes to bar
1 minute tuck hold

RX: 30 burpee Muscle Ups
Sc: GI Jane: 100 burpee pullups

I don’t remember the time limit for this, but I ended up doing scaled obviously, and completed 66 burpee pullups.


 year 2, week 12, day two

Power Cleans

What I completed:  Yep I completed two more sets than I was “supposed” to. 70lbs – 75lbs – 80lbs – 85lbs – 90lbs – 95lbs – 100lbs 

For time:
100 double unders

Ring Dips
Front Rack Lunge
100 Double Unders

I think we had a 25 min time limit for this. I got to the last round, and did 50 double unders but realized it was slowing me down so I did 250 single skips there after. So… did I complete it? I have no idea.


 year 2, week 12, day three

Every 30 second for 6 minutes
3 Power Cleans @ 70-75%

-Rest 2 minutes-

“Death by HSPU”
1st minute = 1 HSPU
2nd min = 2 HSPY
If 6rds is not completed finish with 7 burpees every minute until 10th round

I ended up doing burpees on starting the 5th round.

-Rest 2 minutes-

Double Unders
Sit Ups

What I completed: I got to the 30’s in the situps. 

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2013 Reebok CrossFit Games – Canada Regional East

CFGames 2013One of my coaches at the local CrossFit box I go to, was the only female to qualify for the Canada Regional East games in our tri-city area. We were pretty excited about it and a bunch of us drove to Mississauga yesterday to cheer her on in her two of seven WODS she had to complete in the three days of the games.


The first event I watched her, she completed 100 wallballs (14lbs), 100 chest to bar, 100 pistols (in the picture below), and 100 one-armed snatches with 50lbs. Andi

She’s an incredible strong, motivated athlete who I look up to at CrossFit.  She was amazing yesterday. I got chills just watching her and my heart was just pumping for her! So strong and I loved every minute of being there.

I can tell just from this 2013 year alone that my love of CrossFit is right up there with climbing and I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it. Almost two and a half years in and I’m not ready to stop yet.

The two photos above were not taken by me. In fact I grabbed them off her (my coach) FB page. I did manage to take more than a fair share of pictures yesterday, so here they are!

Coach Andi (yellow bra) cheering on another athlete to finish her 21-15-9 deadlifts (205lbs) and 24″ box jumps.

Another heat of women doing the 4 sets of 100 (wallballs, chest to bar, pistols and snatches)
CrossFit Games

Coach Andi owning the 100 chest to bar pull ups.IMG_0021

Who has been following the CrossFit Games? Are you cheering for anyone in particular?

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 2, week 11)

Holy smokes. 5 days of CrossFit this week. In a row! I’m resting my middle finger because I tweaked it while I was bouldering a few months ago. Didn’t let it heal, and it’s bugging me a bit so I’m giving it a rest. Going on week 2 without climbing, I’m missing it! I can already tell my finger isn’t healed just yet, so I may end up volunteering at the climbing gym, just so I don’t forget to go back lol. Know what I mean?


The short:

Sunday — Rest
Monday —
Tuesday — CrossFit
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — CrossFit
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday— Rest

The long:


year 2, week 11, day one

SWOD: Back Squats
5×2 (75% to start)
* 3 second pause at bottom

What I completed: 80-80-85-85-90lbs

WOD 21-15-9
Burpee over box jumps (20″)
Wall balls (14kg)

What I completed: Finished the WOD in 9:17 and used a 12kg for the wall balls



year 2, week 11, day two

4 x 3 strict pullups with 3 sec descend
max efforts chest to bar
What I completed:
  • 3 strict, 7 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 5 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 2 unbroken kips
  • 3 strict, 5 unbroken kips

WOD (16 minute time limit)

50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar
50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar
50 double unders
20 HSPU (or dive bombers)
20 Toes to Bar

What I completed: The first round I did 150 single skips and ended up trying out for the 50 DU’s the second round. Which was WAY easier, and WAY faster. I love it!! I completed the WOD in 12:59


year 2, week 11, day three

Halting Deadlifts
(3 second pause right above the knees)
What I completed: 75-75-85
1 Hang clean + Squat
2 Lateral burpees
2 Hang clean + Squat
3 Lateral burpees
3Hang clean + Squat
4 Lateral burpees
4Hang clean + Squat
and so on…

What I completed: I got to 8 lateral burpees, then was going for my 8 hand clean + squats, and got 1 before the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 11, day four

“Holbrook” (30 minute time limit)
10 rounds

5 thrusters (115/80)
10 pullups
100m sprint
*Rest 1 minute

What I did: I used 55lbs and used a black band for the 50 pullups. I completed the WOD in 28:26


year 2, week 11, day five

Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes:
1 Hang Clean
1 Halting Deadlift
1 Power Clean

What I completed: I used 70lbs for the first 5 rounds and ended up bumping my weight to 75lbs for the last bit since I thought it was “too easy”!! HA!!

5 rounds (14 minute time limit)
10 spyder pushups
15 hollow rocks
20 flutter kicks
30 second plank unbroken

My time: 11:08



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